Good News Thread Page 2

Ironically, I did try to save a moth from a spiders web last week, but that didn't turn out as well. I just ended up bringing the wholer web down on me, except for the bit the poor moth was struggling in. I swear the spider was laughing as he moved in on the wriggling moth.

You can try too hard. I tried to courteously escort a poor lost wasp out of my kitchen once and the bastard stung me above the eye. I squashed it pronto.

But even that's a good news story, because I found out I wasn't allergic to wasp stings!

Quote: Huge Bear @ September 30 2008, 11:25 AM BST

But even that's a good news story, because I found out I wasn't allergic to wasp stings!

Laughing out loud

Quote: Huge Bear @ September 30 2008, 11:35 AM BST

Chipolata! 3000 posts!!!

That sounds like Aaron's line.

I actually intended to quit at 3000 (Ellie wanted me to) but I've gone and done 3001 by accident (3002 if you include this one). So now I'll have to go until 4000 before I can quit to spend more time with my career!

Quote: chipolata @ September 30 2008, 11:37 AM BST

I actually intended to quit at 3000 (Ellie wanted me to) but I've gone and done 3001 by accident (3002 if you include this one). So now I'll have to go until 4000 before I can quit to spend more time with my career!

That's why I deleted my original - as soon as I posted it you'd gone to 3001.
:( Angry >_< Teary Errr :D

The good news is we live in a universe where we have 100% control over the thoughts we think and the feelings we feel.

Our state of mind and being cannot be controlled by anyone but ourselves.

I've continually chosen gratitude, happiness and perpetual prosperity since this time last year and I feel greeeeeeaaaaat!

I tell you these things not to gloat but to demonstrate that someone who suffered from debilitating depression and suicidal despair for years can turn it all around---completely around, and live a happy life amongst unhappy & worried people.

AND, I did not have to give up cussing or smoking or toking---I did not have to change anything but the way I regard this life and the way I choose to think & feel & 'tude it all.

You want happiness and prosperity? I can honestly say that it can only be found in the Easy Zone.

Easy actually does it!

Quote: chipolata @ September 30 2008, 11:37 AM BST

So now I'll have to go until 4000 before I can quit to spend more time with my career!

When I first read that I thought you said: "spend more time with my carer."

Quote: Tuumble @ September 30 2008, 11:41 AM BST

When I first read that I thought you said: "spend more time with my carer."

That's when he reaches 40000000 posts.

Quote: Griff @ September 30 2008, 10:44 AM BST

Cheers bad dog. I've long ago given up taking any interest in the world of work, it's just somewhere you have to go to pay the mortgage... even so, some places are still better than others.

Yes, I know what you mean. I should get off my bottom and look for a more interesting job, but perhaps now is not the best time to do it. However, I think we must be positive, somewhere out there is an enjoyable job with our name on it. :)

Quote: chipolata @ September 30 2008, 11:37 AM BST

I actually intended to quit at 3000 (Ellie wanted me to)

I did not... Well....

Quote: EllieJP @ September 30 2008, 12:04 PM BST

I did not... Well....

I shall now go and find youre words, Ellie, and you will sit down and eat them. :)

Quote: chipolata @ September 30 2008, 12:06 PM BST

I shall now go and find youre words, Ellie, and you will sit down and eat them. :)

Yer yer. Good luck.

Quote: Bad dog @ September 30 2008, 12:02 PM BST

Yes, I know what you mean. I should get off my bottom and look for a more interesting job, but perhaps now is not the best time to do it. However, I think we must be positive, somewhere out there is an enjoyable job with our name on it. :)

As a judge on a 'Best Lap Dancer of 2008' judging panel?

Quote: chipolata @ September 30 2008, 12:06 PM BST

I shall now go and find youre words, Ellie, and you will sit down and eat them. :)

*claps* well done you.

Quote: Tuumble @ September 30 2008, 12:08 PM BST

As a judge on a 'Best Lap Dancer of 2008' judging panel?

Yes please.

I just got an unexpected bonus in my pay packet 'cause of this 10p tax business. Nice....