Online Dating Page 12

Quote: Natalie Of Wicks @ August 20 2013, 12:43 PM BST

whether or not you'd do sexy things at them.

Laughing out loud

The internet makes such match making much easier.

Before the Internet there were dating agencies, but it was all done with postal snail mail. Profile forms were filled in and humans tried to match profiles and sent letters to candidates; probably all mail between potential couples went through the agency so it was all very slow. Too slow for any real exchange of messages, so a meet was usually arranged early.

I tried it once but I was 'stood up' twice; They probably lost their nerve and never showed up. :(

However a friend of mine did find her husband that way. So it did work sometimes.

She must have been furious to find him registered?

Quote: Marc P @ August 20 2013, 1:00 PM BST

She must have been furious to find him registered?

Laughing out loud Laughing out loud Laughing out loud

Quote: Marc P @ August 20 2013, 1:00 PM BST

She must have been furious to find him registered?

Laughing out loud :) :D

Back in those days dating agencies worked by applying a series of complex heuristic algorithms to find you the perfect partner.

Like in Carry On Loving.

Wasn't there a 90s sitcom set in a dating agency?

Quote: AndyGilder @ August 20 2013, 1:13 PM BST

Back in those days dating agencies worked by applying a series of complex heuristic algorithms to find you the perfect partner.

Like in Carry On Loving.

In the 70s the staff of a dating agency wouldn't know a complex heuristic algorithm even if it bit them.

They probably worked by smelling the forms.

Whistling nnocently

Or put two punched cards together and held it up to the light to see how much light came through common holes.

On second thought that is a complex heuristic algorithm, isn't it.


Quote: Marc P @ August 20 2013, 1:00 PM BST

She must have been furious to find him registered?


Quote: billwill @ August 20 2013, 12:58 PM BST

I tried it once but I was 'stood up' twice; They probably lost their nerve and never showed up. :(

Or it might have been because I described myself as a 3'6" elf, so they would not be disappointed when they found that I'm only 5'5" high.

Angelic :S

if you stood behind a table, they may only have been able to see your hat.

I wouldn't have hung around to date a hat.

I have some standards you know.

Quote: sootyj @ August 20 2013, 1:49 PM BST

if you stood behind a table, they may only have been able to see your hat.

I wouldn't have hung around to date a hat.

I have some standards you know.

I don't think I wore a hat in those days except when sub-aqua diving.


I was a charming fella and shouldn't have frightened anyone away.

Whistling nnocently

For the full story of Billwill's horns read this:

Dr Who Season 2 Episode 6 The Demon from the depths.

This is a rare shot from one of Dr Who's most frightening episodes.
An episode so frightening, some kids are still hiding behind their sofas.

Still cool photo Bill Will.

Quote: Marc P @ August 20 2013, 1:00 PM BST

She must have been furious to find him registered?

This reminds me of one of the messages I've received. I wouldn't normally describe them on here, because however funny they are, the people are genuine and that would make me a bitch.

However, this guy infuriated me so much he deserves it. His message read as follows:

"Hello Jennie.

You look quite pretty (gee, thanks).

I am married. (Excellent)

My wife has just had our first baby (Oh God)

Whilst I am happy, she can no longer satisfy me sexually due to the changes in her body and her low libido (and presumably the fact you are a wanker and touching you makes her feel sick)

She knows I am on here because I told her (and she can't leave you because you've trapped her with a newborn).

I am looking for a lady capable of supplying my needs (that is NOT me)

Please indicate when you would be available for a drink."

So new dilemma - do I meet up with him in order to kick him in the balls?

What an utter f**kberk.