Newsjack - Series 6 Page 41

I was playing this all cool until 18:30. Now my nerves are on edge.

Good to see we were all lurking on here just waiting for someone else to break cover.

Message additional

- Just got the right e-mail. Woo hoo!


list is up:

well done park bench. Nothing for me

Quote: Park Bench @ March 8 2012, 6:28 PM GMT


Congrats sir. Those dishes are going to get the cleaning of their lives.

NNNNNNNNNNNNNNN.... the Nigerian National Lottery Draw !!!

Damn - nothing for me this week.

Oh well, that's put me out of my misery. Struck out again.... :(

Many congrats to the successful people!

I'm not, as usual.

Congrats guys!

Thanks Stephen. It's the first time for me. The question is whether it was a news gag or one of my own jokes worked into a jack app.


WooHoo! I'm in!
Well don't to PB and Stephen M too.

Congrats PB, especially as it's your first time! I'm turning a serious shade of green here....

Well done, not well don't.
Bloody iPhone autocorrect.

Quote: Dalekwidow @ March 8 2012, 6:33 PM GMT

Congrats PB, especially as it's your first time! I'm turning a serious shade of green here....


TBH,I'd just about given up.

Now all I have to do is post my sitcom script to writersroom tomorrow, and then I can retire.

Congrats to everyone else.

Congrats all, especially Park Bench on his debut.

S'funny, I was reading an old NJ thread the other day and someone alluding to 'next week being the week that the N-Z get a go. Well, this is that week! :-)
