Make an unfounded claim about the poster above you Page 13

Charley is typing her messages from a submarine at the bottom of the Atlantic.

billwill, and love it.

Nil <3 <3 Charley

bill has no will

Sootyj is in the cafe on top of Mount Snowdon

billwill thinks classic cars and Perl script are overrated

Tuumble was once charged with knocking down and killing one of the Queen's Corgis but got 'Mr Loophole' Nick Freeman to defend him (he was acquitted on a technicality - the corgi was a c**t).

Mr Cam breeds endangered moths in his trousers. Well done to him.

alfred kipper helped robert plant accept his addiction to love

Sootyj has a pair of underpants that have skid marks visually depicting the rise and fall of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Quote: sootyj @ August 28 2010, 9:12 PM BST

alfred kipper helped robert plant accept his addiction to love

Robert Palmer, methinks you means.

Aaron voted Labour.

Nat Wicks likes dicks. IN HER BUM.

Aaron has a more attractive brother, called Boris Johnson.

(Aaron wishes.)

Nat Wicks charges a farthing.