Things that piss you off Page 96

You could be "sick".

I want to go though!

Well if you can't. Then you could be "sick". Nudge nudge wink wink say no more.

Haha well I don't have to go in anyway if I can't!

Making the bed. It drives me insane!!!!

In fact, housework overall!

I like making the bed, although messing it up is much more fun ;)

Quote: EllieJP @ March 2, 2008, 8:45 PM

Making the bed. It drives me insane!!!!

In fact, housework overall!

Don't do any then.

As Quentin Crisp said "After the first 5 years the dust doesn't get any worse."

I have to do it - else I have to do the cooking.. I hate cooking more than anything else. Deal is...he cooks, I clean!

You'll soon be cooking too, he's a clever man.

Quote: EllieJP @ March 2, 2008, 8:49 PM

I have to do it - else I have to do the cooking.. I hate cooking more than anything else. Deal is...he cooks, I clean!

Sounds a good deal.

I always knew you were a scrubber.

Laughing out loud :O

Quote: Leevil @ March 2, 2008, 8:50 PM

You'll soon be cooking too, he's a clever man.

Laughing out loud


Idiots who use luggage to drag aroung their work stuff. The Tube ain't a f**king airport! This one woman neraly sent me flying as I tired to get off at London Bridge. To add insult to injury she had a Klapp/Flap (some ridiculous brand) bag with a logo saying 'Wellness specialist.' It ain't working cos shes too f**king lazy to stand and too f**king weak to lift anything Angry

That the Spanish assistant teaches better than the Spanish teacher!

The way Jamie Oliver uses Olive Oil on everything! He probably uses 'a few glugs of Olive Oil' for oral.