British Comedy Guide

Things that piss you off Page 1,661

Quote: reds @ 1st April 2016, 2:28 PM BST

Someone in the group I work with asked most of the others to go out over the weekend. I was one of the few not invited. Fair enough....still can't help feeling like a pathetic teenager and been annoyed. Which mostly makes pissed off with myself. So long as I don't have to listen on Monday to how much of a fantastic time you all had.

Do you want to spend time with someone who is thoughtless and selfish? I wouldn't

What you should do is go up to them next week and say something like "oh I hear you and some of the others went out at the weekend , what did you get up to? Did you have a good time?" Etc etc etc

You will probably be able to tell by their face if they are thinking to themselves "oh this is embarrassing , I didn't ask you to come and now I feel like a bit of a TWAT..."

If not, they are a twat and you're better off

"For thou shalt heap coals of fire upon his head, and the LORD will reward thee"

You are right lofty. My mother brought me up with 'Don't let them see it annoys you' and that mantra has stood me ingood stead.

Doing the washing up.

I now need to go do the washing up.

Quote: Ben @ 2nd April 2016, 8:28 PM BST

Doing the washing up.

I now need to go do the washing up.


You seem to be both doing and not yet doing the washing up.

Something driving me crazy is a new trend that rubbish, cheaply made TV adverts are acceptable and even act as a new marketing tool to increase sales. The worst part is that even though I don't like them I still watch them so it's like subliminal brainwashing.

Payday loans, bingo and litigation companies are all throwing out dire adverts and it make me think that classics like Shake N Vac, Ariston and Scotch VHS tapes didn't feel this cheap. Or maybe they were but I was too young to notice it.

Do what we do - turn the sound down and go to the toilet (not together)

I'll give that a whirl but should I still go to the toilet during ad breaks even if I don't need to use it? I have a terrible memory so whenever I mute the TV I soon forget I was watching it and start doing something else. 40 minutes later I remember I was watching it but by then it's finished :D

This is an example of something that feels like it was conceived and filmed all in an hour and I'm not being critical of the 'Admiral' because it's words and direction that feels all wrong.

Dear Keewik the krankees keep pestering mevto take part in perverted origins. What should I do?

Quote: keewik @ 2nd April 2016, 11:18 PM BST

Do what we do - turn the son down and go to the toilet

I don't even know which one the son is

Quote: Definitely Tarby @ 2nd April 2016, 11:47 PM BST

I'll give that a whirl but should I still go to the toilet during ad breaks even if I don't need to use it?

No, you don't need to use it. You can just sit there and think for 5 minutes. It's a great place for meditation. Laughing out loud


Fandabbydosey ;)

Remakes/reboots. There are so many happening now that soon remakes/reboots will be made before the original has even been released.
How many more times do we need to be told that Bruce Wayne's parents get murdered or Spidermans Uncle Ben got shot.

Spoiler alert!!

Quote: lofthouse @ 3rd April 2016, 2:10 PM BST

Spoiler alert!!

Yeah one that's been seventy odd years in the making.

Quote: Sarc @ 3rd April 2016, 2:11 PM BST

Yeah one that's been seventy odd years in the making.

Stupid Lofthouse! Shut up and go on playing with your Superman toy!

Quote: Definitely Tarby @ 2nd April 2016, 11:47 PM BST

This is an example of something that feels like it was conceived and filmed all in an hour and I'm not being critical of the 'Admiral' because it's words and direction that feels all wrong.

My day was going quite well until I clicked on that link.

How utterly, utterly, inexcusably, inexplicably and unjustifiably appalling.

She'll never work again, and I will never un-see it.


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