British Comedy Guide
Car Share. Image shows from L to R: John Redmond (Peter Kay), Kayleigh Kitson (Sian Gibson). Copyright: Goodnight Vienna Productions
Car Share

Car Share

  • TV sitcom
  • BBC One
  • 2015 - 2020
  • 12 episodes (2 series)

Sitcom about two workers thrown together in a company car share scheme, who soon find a potential romance blossoms. Stars Peter Kay, Sian Gibson, Danny Swarsbrick and Guy Garvey.


Forum discussion threads

Car Share - Audio Special (11 posts)

Most recent post: 29th May 2020

Peter Kay's Car Share - The Finale (42 posts)

Most recent post: 1st June 2018

Car Share - Series 2 (35 posts)

Most recent post: 29th May 2017

Car Share (121 posts)

Most recent post: 7th February 2016

Peter Kay's Car Share (2 posts)

Most recent post: 5th May 2015

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