British Comedy Guide
Jail Mates. Image shows from L to R: Gerry (Gary Little), Jenny (Julia Sutherland). Copyright: Dabster Productions
Jail Mates

Jail Mates

  • Radio comedy drama
  • BBC Radio Scotland
  • 2016 - 2017
  • 4 episodes (1 series)

Comedy about a 40-something, adventure-seeking mum who writes to a man in prison. Stars Julia Sutherland, Gary Little and Rosco McClelland.


Episode menu

Series 1, Episode 2 - Sparring Partners

Gerry has really warmed to Jenny and says that her letters are the best thing that has happened to him inside, even better than his TV soaps.
But after the disastrous phone call, is it all over before it has really started?

Further details

Their letters continue, and the couple (a couple? Too soon?) find out more about each other as they share the intimate secrets about their private lives. They are both trapped in their own lives, but find freedom and solace in each other. Do such different people have enough in common to make a relationship like this work, and will a death in the family change everything?

Broadcast details

Friday 20th January 2017
BBC Radio Scotland
30 minutes

Cast & crew

Julia Sutherland Jenny
Gary Little Gerry
Rosco McClelland Ensemble Actor
Guest cast
Al Lorraine Ensemble Actor
Writing team
Julia Sutherland Writer
Gary Little Writer
Production team
Richard Melvin Producer

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