British Comedy Guide
The Worst Writer In The World

The Worst Writer in the World

Meet Rufus & Howard. Rufus is an English teacher with a degree in literature. Howard is an unemployed idiot. One of them spent their entire childhood writing stories and scripts. Unfortunately, it was Howard.

Welcome to The Worst Writer in the World; a comedy storytelling podcast in which Rufus attempts to read everything that Howard wrote, while Howard listens and feels increasingly ashamed. Together, they'll probe the plot holes, interrogate the inconsistencies, and use their adult brains to fix the many problems with Young Howard's work.

So that maybe one day, Howard will no longer be known as: The Worst Writer in the World.

New to the show? Pick a series.
Rapunzel, Midnight Smoke, Mystery of the Golden Bus, TARDISes FIVE, Romancing the Howard, Humanoid Mole People, The Firm, The Fall of Hemlock Chase, Notes on Love, Ginger Beesting, Abducted by Crabs, Candle of Ever, Stars, Blood Red Terror Hood, Daft John, Snowpiercer, King Pink, Rufus & Howard get Drunk & Die, The Right Way, Complicated Head (Binchleaf), Locked Room, Rufus & Howard Get Drunk & Fall in Love, Restaurant for Murderers, Siege (Doctor Who), Rufus & Howard Retell Gremlins, Collider

Worst Writer - The End of the WuWuWorld, Part 1

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  • Published: 8th July 2024
  • Length: 37 mins
  • Size: 87.8mb

This is the way the WuWuWorld ends, not with a bang but a WuWuWhimper. (Probably not wise to start with this story, as it's kind of a sequel to several stories we've previously released, especially Jack's Turkeys.)

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