British Comedy Guide

RHLSTP with Richard Herring: RHLSTP 17 - Chris Addison

RHLSTP# 17: Chris Addison. He's snogged someone who used to be a dead child and worked with Gail Porter, but did he punch a cupboard? Richard, fresh from his triumphant third place Sony, is back with guest Chris Addison, deliberately doing visual things to try and make you pay for the video version (available from but still giving you the audio for free. It's the usual mixture of incompetence, awkwardness and petty jealousy, but luckily there's some funny stuff too! Which film is shitter, Sliding Doors or The Truman Show? Why must we all be grateful for the slaughter of World Wars? How do you make a merkin? Is cupboard cheese more dangerous than cocaine? You'll also find out a novel way to use a pencil. You've really got to see it to believe it!

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  • Published: 29th May 2013
  • Length: 100 mins
  • Size: 69.49mb



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