Yiannis Vassilakis
Yiannis Vassilakis

Yiannis Vassilakis

  • Actor, writer and producer

Video clips

Mr Biffo's Found Footage - Dream Drawings

If you like your comedy weird with a touch of sci-fi, then rejoice - for the full series of Mr Biffo's Found Footage properly starts here... and Goujon John is already outside your house!

2016 Writers Room

Meet the team who have been writing what happens in 2016.

Visual Radio

Sometimes radio is better if you can see it.

Kids names - WTF?

A sketch from Attic Comedy about what people call their children.

Attic Comedy - Comedy Bully

The truth behind one school bully's craft. A sketch from Attic Comedy.

Attic Comedy - Joke Repair

What do you get if you cross a sheep with a kangaroo?

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