Joz Norris
Joz Norris

Joz Norris

  • Actor, writer, producer, editor, script editor and stand-up comedian

Press clippings Page 11

Joz Norris answers 10 Edinburgh Fringe Questions

Joz Norris explains why he doesn't want to see his old flatmate Tom at this year's festival...

British Comedy Guide, 21st July 2015

5 things no Fringe performer should be without

The Edinburgh Fringe can be a funny old time for performers. It represents the culmination of a year's hard work writing and rehearsing a show. Artists will have invested a huge amount both financially and emotionally and the gruelling slog of bringing the show to the public, while exhilerating and hugely rewarding, can be a big challenge too.

Joz Norris, Laugh Out London, 18th June 2015

Joz Norris' Edinburgh Fringe 2014 blog: 04

Ali Brice's mental health continues to slip slowly into decline. The other day he stood in the hall wearing nothing but a towel and showing us all his testicles while making direct eye contact with all of us and not saying a thing. I just stood there drinking an Americano and laughed and laughed and laughed.

Joz Norris, Laugh Out London, 20th August 2014

Joz Norris' Edinburgh Fringe 2014 blog: 03

It's halfway through the Fringe and I've won. I got a call from Fringe CEO John Fringe the other day (it was an 0843 number) and he proudly told me, in his inimitable Scottish brogue, that my show had impressed him so much that I had won the Fringe.

Joz Norris, Laugh Out London, 12th August 2014

Joz Norris' Edinburgh Fringe 2014 blog: 02

I'm starting to worry about Ali Brice. Last night at 2am I found him in his room using an umbrella to stir a shirt around a bucket of soapy water while muttering "It's blue, it's just too blue" under his voice. His bedroom shelves are covered in jars of mayonnaise, and yesterday I watched him eat a bacon sandwich with a knife and fork and suck egg out of his own moustache.

Joz Norris, Laugh Out London, 8th August 2014

Joz Norris' Edinburgh Fringe blog: 01

I'm currently in Edinburgh, hiding 'neath the bridge. There's some wifi from a nearby hostel, which I've hacked into by correctly guessing the password "MagicDust74." My boots are filling up with rainwater because I've temporarily taken them off to flex my toes, so I'll have to be quick, but I should just have time for me to post my first exclusive blog for Laugh Out London.

Joz Norris, Laugh Out London, 5th August 2014

Interview with Joz Norris

Joz Norris is a stand-up comedian, character comic, writer and actor based in London. He started working on the stand-up circuit in 2011 and has since become a critically lauded and well-respected figure on the alternative comedy, character and clowning circuits, as well as working prolifically in other media and collaborating frequently with some of the best alternative comics.

Comedy Blogedy, 27th July 2014

Edinburgh Fringe 2014 interview: Joz Norris

Last year Joz Norris let three of his character creations do the talking. He's here this year, in all his actual human-being glory, ditching the characters to take to the stage as himself (and maybe other versions of himself).

Laugh Out London, 17th June 2014

Joz Norris interview

"I started off doing stand-up as myself but got bored with what I was saying cos I think I was copying other people I'd seen."

John Fleming, , 10th June 2014

Comedian challenges critics to a fight

Comedian Joz Norris has come up with a unique way of trying to get critics to come and review his show... challenging them to a duel if they don't.

British Comedy Guide, 17th August 2013

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