Joe Williams (II)

  • Actor

Press clippings

'Best Exotic Marigold Hotel' sequel isn't worth a visit

The original film, based on a novel about an Indian retirement home for cash-strapped British pensioners, had such a heavy hourglass hanging over it that a sequel seemed like a joke. Yet instead of going for the obvious punchline with The Best Exotic Marigold Funeral Pyre, director John Madden has stripped away the socio-economic context from the first film and turned the sequel into some kind of thinly rationed romantic comedy.

Joe Williams, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 5th March 2015

Blog on adapting the Hank Zipzer books for TV

When I was invited to pitch for the job of adapting Hank Zipzer I hadn't heard of the books but I had heard of author Henry Winkler.

Joe Williams, BBC Writersroom, 19th March 2014

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