James Cary
James Cary

James Cary

  • English
  • Writer and script editor

Press clippings Page 21

The big readthrough

Yesterday was weird day. But readthroughs are weird.

James Cary, Sitcom Geek, 23rd November 2011

Should I do a free show at the Edinburgh Fringe?

A while ago, I posted about the benefits of putting on a show at the Edinburgh Fringe (here). I was thinking about this over the weekend after I'd suggested doing Edinburgh to some fledgling funny folks on Friday. The Free Fringe, I said, since it really is what it says on the tin. Free for performers to put on shows. It was pointed out, however, that producers were reluctant to scout at these shows and venues.

James Cary, Sitcom Geek, 14th November 2011

The business of getting an agent

I was listening to the UK Scriptwriters' Podcast the other day and was interested in their discussion about agents. It was very interesting and I recommend downloading it and having a listen. I realised this is something I'd never mentioned on this blog before. So, briefly, here are a few thoughts on agents with sitcom specifically in mind.

James Cary, Sitcom Geek, 25th October 2011

Scripts are like a flowing river

The other day, without thinking, I described the script of a show to a producer as being like a flowing river. I'm not ensure what - or who - possessed me to say such a pompous thing, but I've been thinking about what I meant ever since. (That's pretty much my modus operandi - speak first, ask questions later). But I think I meant that a script is a moving, flowing thing.

James Cary, Sitcom Geek, 19th October 2011

Comedy writing: Everything happens for a reason

The last forty hours haven't been good for me. I'm fine. Everything's fine. Really. But like my escapade to B&Q last week, I find myself being constantly blown off-course and distracted by the tedious minutiae of life.

James Cary, Sitcom Geek, 20th September 2011

The value of comedy courses

So let's deal with the money issue head on: I'm British - and therefore unable to discuss money without acute embarrassment.

James Cary, Sitcom Geek, 19th September 2011

Why you should seriously consider writing for Newsjack

I would urge all aspiring comedy writers to seriously consider writing for Newsjack, a new series of which starts a week today.

James Cary, Sitcom Geek, 8th September 2011

James Cary: 'Sitcomminess'

Two wonderful things have happened. The first is that I am on holiday. And the second is that I have wi-fi where I'm staying. Holidays tend to exclude internet usage, which is annoying, but not this time. This is an expected bonus. Hence, this blog post on something that occurred to me the other day, that bothers me about sitcoms. It's 'sitcomminess'.

James Cary, Sitcom Geek, 4th September 2011

Fringe drawback #1

There are plenty of things wrong with the Edinburgh Fringe. I glossed over them in the last post, and I propose to gloss over most of them in this post too. I merely mention the one that is of the most interest to regular reads of this blog, and comedy writers in general.

James Cary, Sitcom Geek, 10th August 2011

Fringe Benefits and other c*** 'Fringe' puns

And so the internationally acclaimed fringe festival that has been out of control for years has kicked off again. It's over three weeks long. Everyone knows that's too long. It's unsustainable, but staggers on, consuming the life-savings of comedians, theatre companies and entrepeneurs. From a distance the entire enterprise is preposterous and bewildering. Until you get there.

James Cary, Sitcom Geek, 8th August 2011

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