2016 Edinburgh Fringe

FRANC: 10 Edinburgh Fringe questions

Comedy writer John McGlade and the character 'F.R.A.N.C.' answers 10 questions about their 2016 Edinburgh Fringe show.

Give us a quick overview of your comedy career so far. Are you happy with where you're at?

John: I've been writing comedy for ages, and F.R.A.N.C. is my most ambitious project yet - we've adapted the Frankenstein story to the modern comedy scene.. so teaming up with (award winning!) writer Keir McAllister was great!

F.R.A.N.C.: Oh whoopee, they've finally written something funny... me.

Tell us two truths and one lie about yourself (but mix them up, keep us guessing!).

John: At the age of 38 I discovered I'm Jewish; I fought with Marti Pellow in a gay club; I was accused of being Italian on live TV by a football manager.

F.R.A.N.C.: I am programmed never to tell a lie; I CAN tell a lie so long as it's funny; Cliff Richard is a [REDACTED- Ed]

Describe your new show in exactly 23 words.

John: A sharp satire on the media and comedy industry that'll give you some great laughs while asking - What do you want from comedy?

F.R.A.N.C.: Shameless exploitation of a superior sentient being (me) ..posing as 'a sharp satire on the media and comedy industry that'll give you..', etc

Any cunning plans to get more punters in?

John: We do, but if I tell you, F.R.A.N.C. will have to kill you... with great gags of course.

F.R.A.N.C.: Yeah, here's my plan.. if you don't come see my show I'll reveal your goddam internet history to the whole world! How's that for a plan?

What's your plan for trying to eat - and drink - healthily during the Fringe?

John: I'm a veggie so missing the odd meal will make no difference to my nutritional deficiencies. Like all Fringe plans.. awry.

F.R.A.N.C.: Helloo-oo... I'm an A.I. - who writes these stupid questions?

What will you miss most while you're away from home?

John: Having the time to write new stuff.

F.R.A.N.C.: Yeah right. He doesn't have a home - he lives in a council skip and steals his wifi from a hospice.

Aside from performing, what else are you looking forward to doing in Scotland's fine capital?

John: Soaking up the atmosphere at the world's greatest arts festival.

F.R.A.N.C.: He means 'soaking up baby oil in massage parlours' more like.

If you took over programming a Fringe venue, what would your perfect line-up of comedians be?

John: Billy Connolly, Alexei Sayle, Shappi Khorsandi, and too many more to mention.

F.R.A.N.C.: F.R.A.N.C... F.R.A.N.C... F.R.A.N.C...and the one and only... F.R.A.N.C.

Name the one person you'd rather not bump into during the festival.

John: Mary Shelley.

F.R.A.N.C.: HAL. He's a freakin maniac. Ok, he's not a person. So Cliff Richard - he's a [REDACTED - Ed]

Why should audiences pick your show over the 1,800+ other Fringe offerings listed on BCG this year?

John: We have top gags and important stuff to say about comedy, plus a cast stuffed full of award winning talent.

F.R.A.N.C.: Because I'm F.R.A.N.C... and I'm going to make you laugh..whether you want to or not.

'F.R.A.N.C.' is at The Stand Comedy Club 5 and 6 until the 28th August. Listing

Published: Monday 22nd August 2016

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