Storylines for New Fawlty Towers Episodes? Page 2

Quote: Bad dog @ November 6 2008, 12:38 PM GMT

I hope they never make any more, because I love it.

I think it's very safe to say that they won't make any more.

They could always "re-imagine" it with some of todays stars.

A family of 'right chavs' come to stay: the pregnant teen, the ASBO son, meathead dad, not-realised she's past her best mum and their pit bull.

Mum takes a fancy to Basil and, though not interested at all, spends his time trying not to get caught by Sybil or meathead. Children catch them in a compromising position and blackmail him into getting them fags and booze and smuggling their upper class beaus in. The pit bull also takes a shine to Basil's leg.

They demand KFC every night in the restaurant.


Basil would be dead by now. There's no way he could live a long life with his blood pressure.

Basil is in bed with high blood pressure. He's watching the hotel guests on newly-installed CCTV cameras and getting more infuriated as he can't do anything.

He rings a bell each time he wants something doing and 80-year-old Manuel runs up the stairs and is given instructions on what to do by Basil. He performs them in his usual misunderstood way. With hilarious consequences.

At the end his blood pressure increases to such an extent, Basil literally explodes in a room full of complaining people around his bed. Manuel brings him a bedpan.


Quote: swerytd @ November 6 2008, 4:12 PM GMT

Basil is in bed with high blood pressure. He's watching the hotel guests on newly-installed CCTV cameras and getting more infuriated as he can't do anything.

He rings a bell each time he wants something doing and 80-year-old Manuel runs up the stairs and is given instructions on what to do by Basil. He performs them in his usual misunderstood way. With hilarious consequences.

At the end his blood pressure increases to such an extent, Basil literally explodes in a room full of complaining people around his bed. Manuel brings him a bedpan.


Later, Manuel takes us out of the hotel and across the countries to find the house he grew up in and reveal the meaning of life.