Status report Page 2,814

If you haven't read Room yet, you definitely should.

It'll happen next summer at the earliest now, I'm afraid. :( Just so swamped.

If I mum didn't have my copy I'd send it down for you. You can borrow it when you have some time to read it!

When I was in college I would get a 500 page novel assigned on a Monday, needed to have it read by Wednesday, and have an 8 to 10 page essay written by Friday. I had 3 Lit classes like this every semester. I know now you feel.

Ooooh! :D

Quote: AndreaLynne @ September 30 2010, 9:34 PM BST

When I was in college I would get a 500 page novel assigned on a Monday, needed to have it read by Wednesday, and have an 8 to 10 page essay written by Friday. I had 3 Lit classes like this every semester. I know now you feel.


Yeah, it was brutal...and Connor was a baby.

Whoah! :O I could no way cope. Hug

Robyn just bought a bunny necklace!

Can see your green nail varnish in that pic, Nat!

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ September 30 2010, 9:46 PM BST

Whoah! :O I could no way cope. Hug

Robyn just bought a bunny necklace!


Quote: zooo @ September 30 2010, 9:46 PM BST

Can see your green nail varnish in that pic, Nat!

It's even brighter in for reals. I'd bloody expect so, seeing as I take nearly an hour to do my nails.

Billwill is suffering from EllieJP withdrawal symptoms.


He forgot a dental appointment today & got a phone call saying "Oi why are you not here", and had to do a bat-out-of-hell dash to the dentist to avoid a missing-appointments fine.

I'm habbing false teeeth made :( Well I 'spose it's not too bad getting to my current age before requiring falsies.

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ September 30 2010, 9:50 PM BST

That's super cute.

Quote: billwill @ September 30 2010, 9:51 PM BST

Billwill is suffering from EllieJP withdrawal symptoms.

I know, right? :(

:( I am also sad about Ellie.

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ September 30 2010, 9:55 PM BST

:( I am also sad about Ellie.

Here's a picture of my finger nails to cheer you up. Can you tell which one I snapped off last week?

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ September 30 2010, 9:50 PM BST

Ohhh, they sell some of their stuff at the literarygiftcompany, innit. :)