
Hi, I'm new. Was just having a little look at the critique forum. It is very scary.

It's like a zoo - Please don't feed their egos.

And Hiya Wave

I noticed that Luka and hi there.


Hello Luka! :)

Welcome to the forums!

Hi Luka... we're not that bad in critque, really!

Hello, hello! Well I got a couple of sketches - but I'm chicken. Maybe I should get drunk first and then post. lol

That's what I did...

Quote: EllieJP @ April 23 2008, 2:46 PM BST

That's what I did...

But not when posting sketches :P

Quote: Luka @ April 23 2008, 2:42 PM BST

Hello, hello! Well I got a couple of sketches - but I'm chicken. Maybe I should get drunk first and then post. lol

Upto you whether you want to post but youo want an honest opinion... best place for it to be honest.

Hey Luka! :)

Hello and welcome Wave

Critique can be very useful for an honest opinion, and there are some good, experienced writers here. If it's good they'll say it's good, and the other one too (hopefully in a helpful way).

Hello Luka.

Do you live on the second floor?

I was waiting, and he didn't let us down. Well done Mr C.

And hello Luka.

Quote: David Chapman @ April 24 2008, 1:30 AM BST

Hello Luka.

Do you live on the second floor?

Yes, I live upstairs from you. I think you have seen me before?

But seriously my name is Luka because I'm a fan of Simon Pegg and I am a girl. lol hence luka and not luke.

Oo, a girlie. We don't get many of them round these 'ere parts. I'll try and stop the others from prodding and examining you.

Err, I should mention, I won't do that myself either. I'm weird, but not sick.

Errr... Not to say that you're not prod-able. But erm. *shuffles off quietly and pretends that nothing was ever said*

So, favourite pizza topping?