The Big Bang Theory - Series 1

I hope I've got that title right. This show starts on Thursday on Channel 4 (in a surprisingly decent timeslot) and I'm wondering if anybody knows anything about it? Namely, is it any good and how's it fared in the states?

I really thought it was awful shit! But I only watched the pilot. So I may give it one more chance.

Charley knows all about The Big Bang. Not really in "theory" though!


I really liked the pilot, some obvious jokes but still funny.

Is this the one like Weird Science, with that boy from Roseanne in it?

I love this show. To me it's the best sitcom to come out of the states in years (sitcom in the classical sense of a live television audience and all). It's smart and funny while riddled with enough nerd jokes to keep even my most geeky of friends happy. I've seen every episode so far and yes give the show a chance it gets funnier.
I also have to admit I like the show because it reminds me of when I'm hanging out with my own friends who are also into science, video games, comics and being ridiculously awkward around women (not me...them :) ).
And yes it's with the kid from Rosanne and if you stick with the show you will notice a few other ex Rosanne players like the girl who played Darlene as a fling of the main character and the woman who played Jackie plays one of the characters very Christian mothers (while the son himself is an atheist).

Ooh, all the best Roseanne characters!

Just finished watching this, I thought it was great; undemanding and funny with great, geeky characters. Has potential, I hope it keeps it up and doesnt flag after a couple of episodes.


I thought it got off to a slow start, but gradually got better and in the end was pretty good. I think it has great potential. I look forward to seeing it next week. :)

I really liked it. Very cliched and stereotyped but funny nevertheless. Certainly glad that I watched it instead of Never Better.

I too loved it.

I ain't a big fan of American comedies but this one is very good and kinda original.

And with Skins on straight after it, Thursday nights on channel 4 are worth staying in for.

I thought it was crap for the first few minutes and then thereafter found it hilarious. It's a good one.

Saw the pilot, think this may be a grower. Is it going to be like an American version of The IT Crowd?

It is a grower. I've been watching the episodes online and it's really funny.

"I'm going to watch the last 24 mintues of Doctor Who, but now it seems more like Doctor Who Cares."