NewsRevue again! Page 99

they don't do acknowledgements. That is the email but you should alsi send your stuff to the director. I don't know who that is during this run

Quote: AndyGilder @ September 26 2013, 2:29 PM BST

Is everyone else submitting to, there doesn't seem to be any other address to use on the website?

In which case, is anyone else getting any kind of acknowledgement that their mail has been received?

I sent to a different email address
Because that is where the request came from.

oh yeah bonzos right


Ah well, resend.

Thanks Bonzo :)

Both of those work. They both filter to the same address. I don't think NR sends out confirmation message though

They also ask you to copy in the current director.

Has anyone received this week's email? I don't appear to have anything. If you have it, please can you cut and paste the topics? (although I've got a feeling that last week was my first and last week... the song was so dreadful :S )

Weekly running orders are unusual. They have been sending them quite quickly of late but there is often a delay.

Oh, thanks, so should I just send sketches or songs about anything I want?

Yes, anything topical or even zeitgeisty. It's a rolling submission, no deadlines.

Thank you Badge!

Not had a running list for about 3 weeks - since my Blair/Badger sketch.

Any news on the last 3 weeks or so?

By the way, they've got a new director.

Not had any running orders since the last one posted, did have the email from the new director though.

As someone who's never managed to make it to a show (being ooop North) can I ask if anyone's willing to share any past scripts that have made the show?

There's just about no performances available online for NewsRevue and I'm trying to get some sort of feel for what they use.

Also: Do they ever use intros to sketches (as Newsjack does)?