Curb Your Enthusiasm Page 14

Okay, I'll try one more. Beloved Aunt it is.


My recommendation would be The Group - last one of series 1. That's the one that I watched first, open-mouthed.

My other recommendation would be to lower your expectation from season 4 onwards. But the best bits are great.

Just started and finished watching all the Seinfelds. That's touch and go is that. Kramer gets annoying, glad they dropped the whooping and hollering after several series when he does his 'funny' bit coming through the door. George is without doubt the best character.

Curb is the dogs bollocks, although didn't like his looking into someones eyes to see if they lying though.

Beloved Aunt and The Grand Opening are up there.

Ha! That bit is weird. I like his 'prettttty prettttty good' though.

(I was never fond of Kramer either. Just annoying.)

Although Kramer and Newman making sausages i think it was was good

Ooh, I don't remember that bit.
Sounds meaty.

They were dancing about in Jerry kitchen I think

Just watched the episode were Larry steals flowers from a grave. I think it was his friends' mothers grave.

Quote: paul toft @ June 29 2008, 10:59 AM BST

Just started and finished watching all the Seinfelds. That's touch and go is that. Kramer gets annoying, glad they dropped the whooping and hollering after several series when he does his 'funny' bit coming through the door. George is without doubt the best character.

Seinfeld is outstanding, and much better, in my opinion , than Curb. Though Curbs good too.

Quote: Griff @ June 29 2008, 8:24 PM BST

Nah. Curb wins over Seinfeld for me. But then I've only seen the first three seasons of each.

Well Seinfeld really takes off probably just after that, series four. Seinfeld is just much better crafted to me, because its all written, not left to improv as a fair bit of Curb is, which means you get better lines and exchanges. Plus its not just all down to embarrassment and squirming like Curb; and the characters are much more rounded creations, and you like them all. At least I do. To me, Seinfeld is something you can really love, Curb is more like something you can admire. Plus Seinfeld is the greatest sitcom of all time, and Curb isn't; so it wins there too! :D

Seinfeld for me too.

It's funny, isn't it? George was supposed to be Larry David and then we see Larry David and we still think George was funnier. Jason Alexander did such an amazing job.

I prefer Seinfeld too. Just for Jason Alexander's masterful performance.

George is the best character ever. But I watched Curb from the start unlike Seinfeld which I was too young to appreciate at the time and only watched the odd episode. I caught up though and watched them all and it's a close fight between the two.

I think there's more variety in Seinfeld, with four different characters to follow. In Curb, it's all about Larry. Which is great, but can make it a bit repetitive after a while.