Doctor Who... Page 305

Yes, Jacobi was perfect.

Quote: chipolata @ May 29 2009, 4:18 PM BST

Tombstone Face, Skinny Scot, Big Ears, Slapper Pop Star... Like I said, all they have in Who are comedy actors.

Which is your favourite who then? Are you a Tom Baker man?

The first two episodes of the Master three parter were new Who at its best.
But the third one was Doctor Who at its worst (In my opinion)

Quote: Fred Sunshine @ May 29 2009, 7:35 PM BST

The first two episodes of the Master three parter were new Who at its best.
But the third one was Doctor Who at its worst (In my opinion)

I agree completely!

I liked allllll the episodes.

Quote: Curt @ May 29 2009, 7:35 PM BST

Which is your favourite who then?

It's got to be The McCoy; if only because no one else is gonna say it! :)
(Plus he really is my favourite, McCoy and Ace are the best Doc-companion pairing of all!)

Quote: Fred Sunshine @ May 29 2009, 7:35 PM BST

The first two episodes of the Master three parter were new Who at its best.
But the third one was Doctor Who at its worst (In my opinion)

I wouldn't say at it's worst, but it was certainly a bit of an anti-climax all told. And the cartoon dwarf Tennant was a rubbish idea which also looked rubbish.

My favourite doctor was Colin Baker. He would have been great if given a better costume, and had he not been hired by a producer & script editor who had seen better days.

Quote: Bad dog @ May 29 2009, 8:00 PM BST

My favourite doctor was Colin Baker.

Yay for the eighties Doctors! :)

Pretty much everyone likes Peter Davison as well!

But Whenever you see Dr Who being portrayed in comedy programmes it's always the curly hair,floppy hat & scarf.

Tom Baker.He's got to be the best Dr Who surely.

But I suppose it depends who you grew up with.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ May 29 2009, 7:58 PM BST

And the cartoon dwarf Tennant was a rubbish idea which also looked rubbish.

Yes, that bit was f**king stupid.

And using telepathy to float like an angel or whatever it was.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ May 29 2009, 7:58 PM BST

The cartoon dwarf Tennant was a rubbish idea which also looked rubbish.

Quote: Fred Sunshine @ May 29 2009, 8:41 PM BST

And using telepathy to float like an angel or whatever it was.

Yes and yes. Obviously, there were some really good moments, notably John Simm.

I still think the best finale has to be Series 1 with Doctor 9 & Rose *sigh* I miss Eccleston.

I should add, Doomsday" is good, but doesn't pack the emotional punch of "Parting Of The Ways" for me.

Quote: Fred Sunshine @ May 29 2009, 8:21 PM BST

Tom Baker.He's got to be the best Dr Who surely.

But I suppose it depends who you grew up with.

Or got rescued from bullies by.

I'm probably a bit biased.