Doctor Who... Page 1,120

Hopefully he'll bring back the genuine Doctor, William Hartnell.

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 25th September 2021, 8:26 AM

Hopefully he'll bring back the genuine Doctor, William Hartnell.

I think that's the last time I watched it.

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 25th September 2021, 8:26 AM

Hopefully he'll bring back the genuine Doctor, William Hartnell.

There's no reason why not with today's special effects.

12 noon on TPTV next Saturday (6 August): Dalekmania, a nostalgic look at the 1960s Dalek films via archive material and interviews with the cast and crew. With Roberta Tovey, Marcus Hearn & Terry Nation. 1 hr 15 minutes.

So, Doctor. We meet again.
That was my Cyberman impersonation. Good, isn't it?

Well that was a surprising regeneration

I don't watch it usually but I saw that....excellent.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 24th October 2022, 7:41 PM

I don't watch it usually but I saw that....excellent.

I was thinking because apparently he had a maximum number of regenerations that maybe they should have one looking like William Hartnell.

I believe David Bradley is set to appear in the next series as William Hartnell - he looks remarkably like him.

Great feature length special it was at the weekend

I see that the owners of the Lulworth Cove area are somewhat displeased with the BBC for getting permission to film on the top of Lulworth Cove arch without saying that it would seem to be the site of a highly significant part of the story. The land owners have problems already with people who stupidly jump off the arch into the sea and fear that the Doctor Who episode might encourage more stupid people to do the same.

I have personally dived/snorkelled through the arch and can assure any potential jumpers that the sea is only about a foot or two deep around the arch and whoever might jump will get broken legs or arms and might drown before any rescue is possible.

With any luck the Venn diagram of thrill seekers who jump off cliffs and obsessive Doctor Who fans doesn't overlap too much.

People who like saying Geronimo would be in the same section

You make a good point. Someone should keep an eye on Matt Smith.

Last of the three part specials tonight
It's another goodbye from Tennant as the Doctor again