What are you eating? Page 536

Some ginger cake I just made. Yum.

Quote: zooo @ July 23 2011, 11:45 PM BST

Apparently if you eat an apple before bed, your body works while you're asleep and burns off extra calories.

Does that sound realistic?

But your body would have to work so much harder to burn off cake... could be dangerous, you don't want to wake up undesirably skinny

Indeed, God forbid!

Maybe just a little bit of cake- for a catalogue model figure rather than a catwalk model figure

Sounds about right.

Now for the experimenting with the pre-sleep cake amounts!
How soon before sleep does it need to be? Because if it's right before you fall asleep, then you can't brush your teeth, and our amazing bodies will be thwarted by toothlessness

I'd say seven minutes.

Frost the cake with toothpaste and you won't have to worry.

Mint cake! Brilliant!

Quote: zooo @ July 24 2011, 6:53 PM BST

I'd say seven minutes.

But aren't you meant to not brush your teeth for twenty minutes after eating? By which time we might have burned off the calories and won't get the benefits of late night cake. There must be a scientist somewhere on this site who can sort this out

Bagel + Philadelphia.

Never tasted a bagel in my life

they look nice though!

I just had hot chocolate and a bakewell tart

Hot chocolate? Bleeeh! I'm probably weird but I find hot chocolate revolting.

Quote: lofthouse @ July 24 2011, 8:54 PM BST

Never tasted a bagel in my life

they look nice though!

They are soooooooo good.

Just had a Morrison's ready meal. Sausage & mash. Reduced to £1.

Heavy in my tummy.

I'm eating a thing I made which is chickpeas, couscous, kidney beans and tomato with some spices. Should keep me regular.