What are you eating? Page 288

Quote: Aaron @ July 7 2009, 4:10 PM BST

What are they, and why did you only have one?

Boiled sweets, which taste like cola! They're quite sickly after a while though.

Quote: Aaron @ July 7 2009, 4:47 PM BST

Blue candyfloss? What kind of mental world are you living in?

It's called the BCG. Not sure it exists, but I like it.

I now have a jam cream sandwich biscuit!

I used to loooove pineapple cubes. Yum. Need to get some.

I had some pineapple with my lunch. It was most pleasing. I have also just made and eaten the biggest fresh fruit salad in the world after getting dehydrated earlier tonight.

Cheese and pickle sandwich Lovey Lovey Lovey

I had pineapple on Saturday. In a burger. With beetroot, lettuce, a fried egg, slices of tomato, and of course the burger proper. Yum.

Sounds goood.

Oh, it was. It really was. Cool

I had Thai Green Curry tonight. That was nice.

I had McDonald's today. No further comment.

I always imagine that to produce green shit. Dunno why.

Quote: Aaron @ July 8 2009, 2:35 AM BST

I always imagine that to produce green shit. Dunno why.

Well, I'll let you know anyway.

I'll investigate in a mo. ;)

Quote: Robert D @ July 8 2009, 2:37 AM BST

I'll investigate in a mo. ;)

You stay away from that area. Huh?

Why? It's my area!

Quote: Robert D @ July 8 2009, 2:37 AM BST

I'll investigate in a mo. ;)

You're going to go rummaging around in Leevil's arse? Errr

Quote: Robert D @ July 8 2009, 2:41 AM BST

Why? It's my area!

Oo, getting possessive now, are we? You old queen!