What exactly is the point?

It's just for illiterate neanderthals who just get moved by beats!

I was listening to Eminiem today and basically his big hit stole from Dido. 90% of it was Dido and probably less than 5% of it wax some twat talking over it - but everyone is too scared to say anything because they're all f*ckin nutters.

Do you agree?

I'm currently listening to some bollox on Channel 4 and you'll probably say it's a generation thing but honestly.........

......it's just crap!

See, love, we're just showing our age, now.
I like songs with words that I can follow and doctors and policemen that look old enough to vote and I like children to be seen and not heard. I like good manners and polite folk but I am, obviously, exempt from that.
Kids get on me nerves but, then, so do old people. I am perfect and the rest of the world better run if they want to catch up.
In short, I think you're getting old!!!!

First of all, what counts as urban music? It seems to be a label white producers have slapped on anything by a black artist. Hence people like Lemar and Destiny's Child, which is just pop, getting awards for best urban act etc.

Anyway, Eminem's good. There is a laaaarge amount of pointless crap about but, he's actually not the one to target in my opinion.

P.S. Does this have something to do with a certain radio bound Paul Merton this morning?

Can I just come in here and say that I, too, like Eminem? This could be bollocks (am I allowed to say that?) but he tells a story and so isn't so different to any other ballad singer. The diff is the music not the content. Having said that I might be indulging in the above testicular chatter.

Quote: David Chapman @ October 28, 2007, 12:42 AM

What exactly is the point?

It's just for illiterate neanderthals who just get moved by beats!

I was listening to Eminiem today and basically his big hit stole from Dido. 90% of it was Dido and probably less than 5% of it wax some twat talking over it - but everyone is too scared to say anything because they're all f*ckin nutters.

Do you agree?

I'm currently listening to some bollox on Channel 4 and you'll probably say it's a generation thing but honestly.........

......it's just crap!

Well it's not a generation thing at all since I am an Eminem fan and I'm over (bleep!) years old!

For me Eminem is a brilliant songwriter, performer and a very canny marketeer and at least equal to any of the black rappers.

You are talking about his song 'Stan' and I think that is a great song irrespective of Dido's element of the track. He's also written plenty of other great songs too IMHO. Will the real Slim Shady please stand up!!! A classic track! He's not a one hit wonder by any means.

Just because you don't like him does not make him a 'twat' nor his music 'crap'. It just means you don't like it. Fine, geezer!

No music is 'crap', some peoples attitudes may well be 'crap' though! ;)

Eminem is the worst example to give when arguing against hip hop.

Chizzle you're full of Shizzle Hizzle

Wow, didn't expect so much outpouring of Eminem love! Personally, I enjoyed the first couple of albums. Good tunes, and not nearly the same c**ty attitude that most of those artists seem to have. Mostly I agree with David though. The "urban" music, with all the hoes and shooters and bling and such, is just boring. And a drain on what little dignity and decency society has left. Ahem.

I think I agree with Marion's first post.

I forget the point I was trying to make. In short, I'm not a fan either.

(Hate Destiny's Child too, BTW.)

*listens to hip hop, sticks finger up the h8erz!?"

I must admit I don't listen to any hip hop or rap right now, but I have done. Eminem being one of them. Has he even been making music recently? I've not really been paying proper attention.

Urban Music- made in town or city centres perhaps. Like buskers. A blind harmonica player outside woolworths playing tunes from a "Busk your way around the High Street" book.

Lady Madonna sounds great on a chromatic- dig that slide technique!

Quote: zooo @ October 28, 2007, 12:45 PM

Has he even been making music recently?

Supposedly he's a producer now I think?

I don't like many, hardly any new hip hop, it's all incredibly tacky and soulless. But if you listen to hip hop before the total rape of it all, a lot of it has depth and meaning and genuinely keeps it "real".

Hip hop/Rap originally started out as a style of dance and rhythm to counter tacky, cheesy disco and anything that counters disco is a good thing in my mind.

One of the founders of hip hop, I think it was Afrikaa Bambaata? Used hip hop to bring gangs away from fighting with weapons and try and encourage kids off the street.

It's all very ignorant of some people to dismiss something because they don't understand it. And not realise that rap is a progression from Blues, but to be faiur most things are a progression from blues


Well, you lot have definately got me going now, because Hip hop has played a MASSIVE part in my life. I used to be a DJ, and even used to enter scratch competitions, and the only thing that stopped me becoming a Hip hop producer when I was younger, was that there was no money to be made in the music in Britain, due to the refusal of our major labels to get behind it, and back it. As for all the people putting it down, I don't blame you one bit, as the stuff that gets played on Radio 1, and MTV, has mostly been utter garbage, for the last 12/13 years. If you want to hear the real stuff, that's made by people who actually finished High School, you have to venture into the "underground", as it can usually only be found on small, independent labels.

Anyway, to prove my point, I'll post some of my favourite youtube videos, to try and change your opinions on the music. Unfortunately, a lot of the really good stuff has been removed from the site, in the last 6 months, but there's still some decent stuff left. Right, I'm off to youtube.

Always listen to something before you decide it's crap. Some people don't and they are known as "Music nazis" - that group of idiots that read Q, sit in the pub wearing band tees and wristbands, and laugh at your jukebox selections before discussing some coma inducing topic along the lines of why post punk is so commercial, what went wrong with britpop, and the 467 reasons why Lennon was better than McCartney. These are people who need a James Blunt CD violently inserted into a painful area.

But at the same time, if someone has taken the time to listen to an artist and has said "Rubbish", then that person should get respect because at least they are deciding that based on their own taste and not on what NME tells them to like.

I'm not a fan of Eminem. I think he is a bit of a fudge stick but I did listen to his choons before deciding so!