A sketch Page 2

The randomness, the unprovokeness is the whole essence of the script, why, in my opinion, it would be funny. Its supposed to be silly, surreal, ie-not realistic!

She doesnt shoot the woman because shes provoked, but because her nerves suddenly explode out in a ridiculous manner. Have to say Im a bit surprised by a lot of the reaction to this, people seem to want the ordinary or mundane rather than the ridiculous and absurd, which is what this is, an absurdist sketch.

Nothing wrong with ridiculous or absurd, it's just that little bit too far away from the 'norm' introduced to us in the tone of the rest of the sketch. Well, IMHO anyway.

I liked it. The random ending is what makes this sketch - in this case, the sillier the better, I would say.

Yay! Some positive comment!! Have to agree that the whole point is the total insane twist the sketch takes, anything else would be too hum-drum. Anyway, Ill leave this now!

"Its supposed to be silly, surreal, ie-not realistic!"

And you know what, that's what I would have said too. In many respects this reminded me of an extended Gary Larson cartoon and it's one of those sketches that you either take to or don't. Sometimes, I think, it’s far too easy to overanalyse and quibble about whether a particular word was necessary or not and I’d say that in this case, at least for me, the payoff was in the tag.

Thanks for the nice comments, and I do agree with you about it being the kind of thing you either take to or dont, I dont think my comedy is the kind of thing everyone will take to, enjoy or 'get'. But hopefully those that do will like it a lot!

I liked it too, Matthew. Or does't thou forget?

I somehow missed this thread. I liked it as well. I like the way the interviewer is more embarrassed for her at the end, rather than anything else "We'll er, let you know". Thumbs up.

Not everyone is going to like everything posted on these forums though, so i don't think you should take it to heart if it's not someones cup of tea. Take it on the chin, like my bird did last night.

Sorry about that.

Passed me by as it stands I'm afraid. I think it would be more appealing (to me) if it were adapted along the lines of SlagA's comments.

Hi Matthew

I can see why some people wouldn't get it as it is quite surreal and there was a lot of Monty Python I didn't get (or was that the point?!)

Having said that I did like it but IMO you need a few more seconds of build up for the shooting to be a bit more shocking -- it all happened a little quickly for me personally.

Basically, and for the first time ever, it means I didn't think a sketch was long *enough*!


Personally I though the premise for the this sketch was very good.
The interviewee Mary would be presented on film as a normal candidate, a bit nervous of interview and the interviewer. Absoluetly normal.

The fact that the interviewer likes her and thinks she has great potential just makes it even more funny that she takes a gun and shoots one of the other female employees.

I think the way she kills her would make it funny. If you could show her using some of her killer skills (ie. standing behind her, arm round the victims neck and then several shots in the back) would show how psychotic she really is.

You may also consider showing the viewers that Mary may have an intolerance or jelousy towards other women, not just that particular woman, and that is why she killed her in an interview.

good work. I liked it.

Thanks a lot, and I quite like your ideas, especially giving her more advanced skills instead of just shooting.

Voiceover - a nono, but if you're going to use it, it should set up the catastrophic outcome. For example, we might hear her saying outrageously neurotic stuff which would conflict with her niceness and successful interview. We would believe that she was suppressing her homicidal tendencies, and that would be sort of funny. When she actually killed somebody, it would be logical, but outrageous in 'reality'. But I still don't get why she shot the woman instead of the man.

Or is she being interviewed for MI6?

Its her nerves getting the better of her. The voiceover is her mind telling herself to stay calm. As far as I can see, for it to be funny, there can be no clue running up to the shooting as to what is about to come. Its not supposed to be in any way logical, its supposed to be surreal and silly. And why should she shoot the man exactly? Leave the poor bloke alone! It is not supposed to be taking place in reality as such, its just a surreal, odd sketch. I see that a lot of people seem to be having trouble grasping this, which is fair enough, you dont have to find it funny! Still, I suppose its better to spark such a brace of differing opinions!!