Trollied - Series 5 Page 2

It's now gone beyond parody to bloody ridiculous! The inane banter between the two rival managers is terrible.

This series was a let down as it could have shown Gavin as a bit more crafty, turning some of the tables back on Cheryl, ending up closing the other store for the next series. Would have given Cheryl a better grounds for falling for Gavin.

Something I also don't like, when there is a new series it brings new people, but there is no real story explain where some of the other people went. Series 6 is a let down with Rufus's character. Totally gross and spits a lot when talking.

Series 6 has been a letdown - the caricatures are now beyond ridiculous!

Quote: gb901 @ 12th December 2016, 11:31 PM

Series 6 has been a letdown - the caricatures are now beyond ridiculous!

Sadly, I have to agree. I haven't thought much to this series which is a shame as I used to love watching Trollied. Series 1 & 2 were particularly good. After Series 4, things started to go a bit downhill for me.