Politically incorrect remarks wanted. Page 4

FIGHT! (I think)

Come on Jeddy admit it, you haven't got a clue, I can see you now searching your encyclopedia.

Much like you see me cutting and pasting? Why do you feel you chose in particular an establishment famous for the intelligence of the men and women who worked there as one to which you have not been?

Well done mate, As a reward I'm going to give you the copyright to my sketch, 'Duck Soup'. Read and weep. Here I am giving you more ammo.
Can't wait to see how original I know you can be when you try.

I liked your original spelling of Halal if that helps.

Hey notorious if you've got time for fooling about in critique how about some feedback on my latest skit.

Fooling sir? As a writer my job is to see how characters reveal themselves through subtext. Sometimes it is a lot easier than others.

Where is your latest skit by the way?

Subtext isn't that SMS from an astute class submarine.

Why are submariners so popular with women.

They have a well paid responsible job, that keeps them away from the home for 3-6 months at a time. Thus allowing both members of that couple to be both commited and have their own life.



Why don't you set up your own forum Jerf then you can ban whom so ever you feel like.

As for jousting, in the tournament of the wits you have neither a lance nor a nag to ride.

[nb directly swearing at fellow posters is frowned upon if you wish to delete your intemperance]

I apologise for swearing at you. but interrupting someone on their thread is also bad manners. I think I deserve an apology too.

No you don't no one own's threads, this a free market of ideas.

Perhaps you should try a North Korean sitcom forum.

And I ask for no apology, merely suggested in a spirit of fraternal affection you should delete a swear aimed at a brother poster.