Tzar of Comedy - The Emperor's new clothes

So is Alan Davies (apaprently of russian heritage??!) aware of any happenings that may happen at the Olympics as of all the olympics see london olympics -stand falling/massacre, China olympics and munich olympics?

How will he face an english audience again on QI? will he sya another tradgedy that could have been avoided as the Tzar of comedy?

Pls comment -Linda/lizcat, lindycat.

My only comment is there's a dedicated news thread already.

Pardon me sir whilst I arise off my knees??!

Just stick it in the right thread and you may get some feedback.

I don't understand what's going on here. But I'll be watching this new show later in the week.

Quote: lizcat @ 2nd February 2014, 5:32 PM GMT

So is Alan Davies (apaprently of russian heritage??!) aware of any happenings that may happen at the Olympics as of all the olympics see london olympics -stand falling/massacre, China olympics and munich olympics?

How will he face an english audience again on QI? will he sya another tradgedy that could have been avoided as the Tzar of comedy?

Can you try saying that again??

eek its the mods scarper

I think Lizcat's wondering if he's got a routine in reserve in case there's a Chechnyan bombing outrage.

Perhaps he'll bite someone's ear.

Not sure what the OP is getting at but this could actually make the Winter Olympics interesting.

No. Making fun of things you don't have a clue about may be funny for a few minutes but not for half an hour, and that every week. Davies should stick to what he is good at.

P.S. Is this the official thread for Alan Davies' show now or is this about terrorist attacks...and tzars?