Online Dating Page 18

Quote: Jennie @ August 22 2013, 8:23 AM BST

You cheated on me with the girl on the Pic N Mix stand in Woolworths Angry

I'm surprised you don't remember, we did go on Jeremy Kyle. I threw a chair at you and Jeremy said you were all that's wrong with Britain today.

Jennie that was mcdonalds

Quote: sootyj @ August 22 2013, 8:27 AM BST

Jennie that was mcdonalds

I forget, there were so many of them Angry

Quote: Marc P @ August 22 2013, 8:27 AM BST

SHe did have gob stoppers though in my defence.


Judge defence in law Angry

Quote: Marc P @ August 22 2013, 8:22 AM BST

Lol. AT least you didn't use the word briefs.

Just for the record, I did not even consider doing that. Not at all.


Have you ever used the expression,

Your honour I appeal to you!

And he has replied. No you don't, sit down!

:O Were you in the public gallery the other day?

Not quite in those words, but I've had similar.

The other day, I got:

"Miss Jenniessurname, sit down. I cannot imagine anything useful is going to come out of your mouth."

Or, I say "Your Honour, can I interject here?"

To which I got "I should imagine so, Miss Jenniessurname, you always do."

It's just the rough and tumble of the job. It's an adversarial system and I feel very strongly the responsibility of being the only person the defendant has. So you have to be brave and tenacious sometimes.

It's all in good humour though. Well, mostly.

I 've written quite a few courtroom scenes.. they are fun!

Quote: Marc P @ August 22 2013, 9:44 AM BST

I 've been in a few courtroom scenes.. they are fun!

Murder whilst under the influence of sherry is no laughing manner

Quote: Jennie @ August 22 2013, 12:04 AM BST

I don't why I am attracting the wrong crowd. :( Maybe if you take out every third letter it reads "I need lots of cock" or something.

I suspect you would have got the same responses if you had begun your profile by saying that you were a Carmelite nun bound by vows of chastity. For these guys it is about playing the percentages: ask a hundred random women if they want a shag and there is a chance one will say yes. If they are infringing the site rules - or just giving you cause for concern - report them to the site administrators.

Humour is good; contrary to feminist received wisdom men like women who make them laugh. But take away the jokes and your profile reads more like a CV.

And some guys get turned on just by women looking at their willy.

Quote: Tursiops @ August 22 2013, 12:14 PM BST

Humour is good; contrary to feminist received wisdom men like women who make them laugh.

This. Plus, the kind of guy who doesn't like his girlfriend to be funny is exactly the kind of arseburger you don't want. Save solemnity for the unintelligent and uninteresting.

And funerals.

It comes in useful at funerals.

Wearing a buttonhole that squirts water and doing ventriloquist work with the coffin is not considered "good form", apparently.

At my grandad's funeral I really had to stifle my laughter as they played Phil Colins' In The Air Tonigh as he was being cremated.

There's too much comedy in death for how serious funerals are.

Quote: Natalie Of Wicks @ August 22 2013, 1:22 PM BST

At my grandad's funeral I really had to stifle my laughter as they played Phil Colins' In The Air Tonigh as he was being cremated.

There's too much comedy in death for how serious funerals are.

Was that deliberate? Because it's awesome.

But yeh a good sense of humour and abbility to make people and laugh at things.

Without being the kind of dingleberry who laughs at everything from dead pets to genocide, before grumping that it's just a joke.

Quote: Natalie Of Wicks @ August 22 2013, 1:10 PM BST

This. Plus, the kind of guy who doesn't like his girlfriend to be funny is exactly the kind of arseburger you don't want. Save solemnity for the unintelligent and uninteresting.

I agree.

It was a touch naive of me not to realise why I was attracting the wrong sort of attention.

But this is who I am. I'm not the kind of girl who goes to clean out my pony Truffles before starting on the cross stitch.

Nothing wrong with it, but it isn't me.

What the heck is a pony truffle and why are you cleaning one out?

Deffo though being able to laugh at a joke, maybe more attractive than making a joke.
Nothing less pleasant, than pulling the you're not funny scowl.