What are you watching on TV? Page 1,935

Les Dennis just did Dame Edna. Sounded more like Mickey Mouse.


Awesome which one

I'm working listening to John Hughes movie sound track, strangely sad experience

Mom and The Prof just 'made out' as our American cousins would say

Why does Matt Groenig hate and fear old folks so much?


Cos they smell...



I loves the coffin dodgers, personally

I'm only watching Sports Relief for the OFAH sketch...but I must say this Davina McCall is quite my type.

What? Sweaty and out of breath?

Just flicked onto Sports Relief, and they had a bereaved old bloke, with the music from Up playing in the background.

Is there a way I can give to Up.

Am I the only one who wants to kick John Bishops stupid white teeth in?

Hang on, this other female presenter is a nice Milf as well.

Bill Hicks - Relentless

Quote: Gordon Bennett @ 21st March 2014, 9:23 PM GMT

Hang on, this other female presenter is a nice Milf as well.

You're becoming as randy as Ben. :)

Louis Theroux on BBC2, about stray dogs in LA. But I might stop watching as I fear it might be too distressing.

Flickin between that - and QI

'The Witches'. My kind of thing.