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The Shepherd on 5USA. Starring Jean Claude Van Damme and his head lump.

Now I'm watching Shaun Of The Dead. It's still great but it doesn't end as bleakly as a true zombie should.

Yeah great film but the ending sucks

How does keeping your best friend as a [censored] in the [censored] 'suck'?
That's the perfect ending for that film.

Your classic zombie movie has a dark nihilisitic end. Shaun has a fluffy comedy end with the zombie outbreak turning out to be nothing serious, and everything returning to normal save for the zombie in the [censored].

But it wasn't a normal zombie movie, it was also a romcom! Who needs more of the same thing over and over? I was glad it was different.


It was a perfect ending.

Zomromcom.* ;)

Quote: Nil Putters @ March 3 2013, 12:10 PM GMT

It was a perfect ending.

Finally, someone sane!

Quote: zooo @ March 3 2013, 12:22 PM GMT

Zomromcom.* ;)



Sorted. ;)

No one could ever crack that code.

Ooh, a [censored] button would be nice. Or is that a [censored] idea?

Quote: zooo @ March 3 2013, 12:06 PM GMT

But it wasn't a normal zombie movie, it was also a romcom! Who needs more of the same thing over and over?

Because Pegg cares enough to have other zombie tropes in the film, he should have followed through to the end and not gone all sitcom on us. Sometimes I think all these films and TV shows would be so much better if they sent me their scripts for final approval.

You could call it "Chippin' In!"

Dirty Rotten Scoundrels on channel 5.