What's your favourite chocolate bar? Page 6

I'm searching for a 101% cacao bar of dark chocolate.

I wish they would bring back Texan. And before you say it, Sooty, I don't mean George W.

I love Twirls but I love Boosts too.

Can't beat a snickers if I haven't eaten anything else all day.

No, but you can beat your boyfriend.

I just had a mint Aero. I like them very much too.

My favourite used to be mint Wispa. But they stopped making them. The vicious bastards.

Curly Wurlys. Although I do like a Yorkie Bar. Or those massive Aero bars.

Quote: john lucas 101 @ November 11 2008, 1:38 PM GMT

My favourite used to be mint Wispa. But they stopped making them. The vicious bastards.

No, they've been brought back!!! I had one the other day! :)

This is an interesting way of advertising... http://www.fortheloveofwispa.co.uk/?campaign_id=

I don't like Cadbury's - too much sugar and not enough chocolate.

I prefer green & Blacks and Lindt.

And I only like Kitkats when they came in a foil wrapper. They're not the same in plastic.

I love Penguins though and Clubs - especially mint. Do biscuit/chocolate hybrids count? I used to love Uniteds, but don't think they make them anymore.

Crunchies were nice.

Quote: chipolata @ November 11 2008, 2:05 PM GMT

Crunchies are nice.

Chip's not allowed Crunchies anymore after "the incident".

Quote: EllieJP @ November 11 2008, 1:56 PM GMT

No, they've been brought back!!! I had one the other day! :)

This is an interesting way of advertising... http://www.fortheloveofwispa.co.uk/?campaign_id=

Isn't that just the plain one, though? I want the mint one. Mint mint mint!

Crunchies are foul. It always pissed me off when I got a selection box and one of them was lurking within. Ditto with Bountys.

Quote: EllieJP @ November 11 2008, 2:14 PM GMT

Chip's not allowed Crunchies anymore after "the incident".
