Drinks Page 64

I'd forgotten about the sign zone!

Great to meet people old and new. Another good BCG drinks, cheers to all (except the bag thief bastards).

My pictures are now up in the usual place, but since my broadband supplier has said that I will need to change IP address soon, I've borrowed a name from my ex-pupils school forum website to 'fix' the address, for future use.

So the new named address is: http://bcg.kingalfredschool.com:91

We did agree a password for the photos for this meet, but if you never heard it or were too drunk to remember it, PM me.


At the above address you can enter passwords that you remember of previous meets and see those older pictures too.

Quote: Harridan @ July 8 2012, 6:08 PM BST

Oh dear, it turned into a kebab-worthy evening after I left? hehe

I had a kebab too at the place (archway) where I changed from Tube to Bus, but I ate it so quickly I had hiccups all the rest of the way home.


Good stuff, bill, though you said you'd delete the really bad one. Angry

The worst part on missing the meets is not being allowed the password. :(

And the thievery of course, that suck super bumbum.

Quote: billwill @ July 8 2012, 8:03 PM BST

My pictures are now up in the usual place

Laughing out loud

There are some cracking photos in there. I love the one of me, billwill and sootyj, where bill and I are both smiling and sootyj looks like he wants to kill us both.

Because the pictures have gone up backwards time wise - you can actually see people getting more and more sober as you flick through.

Oh and the picture of Steve Sunshine wearing AJGO's mafia ring gave me a weird boner.

Quote: Booo @ July 8 2012, 8:06 PM BST

Good stuff, bill, though you said you'd delete the really bad one. Angry

Which one did you not like? Number 17? which is DSCN3107.JPG

(you should be able to see a page number in your internet browser address bar e.g html/35.htm)

Great photos

I look like f**king Barry, the unwanted 3rd brother of Chaz and Dave who washes Jim Davidsons Roller for a living.

I should stop reading this thread as it pisses me off that I constantly miss meeting all you weirdos (which would surely supply much material for novels on aliens, psychos, sexual deviants etc) and seeing the pictures (which would, no doubt, confirm the material for said novels)

Well at least those photos explain why I feel so cr@p today.

Quote: keewik @ July 8 2012, 9:16 PM BST

I should stop reading this thread as it pisses me off that I constantly miss meeting all you weirdos (which would surely supply much material for novels on aliens, psychos, sexual deviants etc)

That's just Renegade

Quote: Neillg @ July 7 2012, 4:35 PM BST

The girl that drinks like a fish and de-scales your dishwasher simultaneously!

Yeah, I'm a great housewife if you don't mind that I'm a complete lush

Quote: Harridan @ July 7 2012, 7:46 PM BST

Bunch of bloody weirdos

Was soooo gooood seeing you

Quote: Booo @ July 7 2012, 9:47 PM BST

I can't say much more, the booze is catching up with me and my phones gone all spaz and I have to change my settings af**kingain!

Having a packet of mini cheddars now.


:D Hardly got to talk to Booo what with the excellent turn-out, but she was admirably stoic in the face of us shoving hats and poor jokes at her

Quote: Ben @ July 8 2012, 9:37 AM BST

V.jealous of the BCG antics.

So you should be Behatted Ben

Quote: Yacob Wingnut @ July 8 2012, 10:15 AM BST

Lovely seeing you all.

Likewise lovely Yacob

Quote: Gerry McDonnell @ July 8 2012, 12:30 PM BST

I enjoyed meeting everyone there, although ideally I'd have liked to have spent more time chatting to Renegade, but he spent most of his time tending to injured kittens.

:D Bloody well done for getting here son- and even more so for getting back

Quote: Jane P @ July 8 2012, 6:56 PM BST

On a nicer note a highlight for me had to be Badge signing as an interpretation of AJGO's musings. Sorry Aj I'm sure it was very irritating for you but funny for me - hopefully his heartfelt poem to you made up for it.

Marvellous to see you Jane. Had forgotten all about that! But how, when we were all so sober?

I've put some forum IDs on the pictures now 'cos Jane said she didn't catch everybody's names.

Quote: billwill @ July 8 2012, 8:03 PM BST

So the new named address is: http://bcg.kingalfredschool.com:91

Cheers for doing that Bill. The hats are bloody brilliant.

I think that ring officially belongs to Sunshine now, no-one else can wear it that well

AJGO you have fab results, none near me? Teary Although- 'choke' sure you had lovely times.

So sorry about Bills bag however.