Elvis has left the building Page 8

Quote: DaButt @ December 24 2011, 2:11 AM GMT

I find it kind of sad that there are people in the UK who buy into all this nonsense. Are there any UK-centric conspiracy theories/theorists? I come here to be exposed to new and unusual stuff that I can't find in the U.S. :)

Like most things in this rainy island, our conspiracy theories are subordinate to yours. I suppose there's some stuff that the ROyals are immortal, nazi, space lizards.

Princess Diana was murdered by Mossad and Mi5.

And Druids still run the country.

Oh and leigh lines can control the earth if you run a steam train over them.

But nutbags are pretty international.

Quote: catskillz @ December 23 2011, 3:49 PM GMT

Here's the latest, from another insider. Again, you're not gonna hear this in the mainstream news (skip to 10:00 to hear main info): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLXUSRChUSs

That man needs a cup of tea, a hug and a decent therapist.

Perhaps a little like yourself....