Talk to me about pies Page 3

Quote: walt @ October 23 2011, 12:30 AM BST

Thinking of opening a Pie Shop.

Calling it.."Pies R Us"

How about The Life of Pie?

One of life's great disappointments is ordering pie in a pub and being served a little dish of pie meat with a flaky pastry lid. In a proper pie the meat is encased in a crumbly shortcrust that soaks up the gravy. Yum.

Pies like us?

Catcher in the pie

Quote: sootyj @ October 23 2011, 7:53 PM BST

Catcher in the pie

Curiously I was on holiday in Rye last week. No pieshop of that name, but there was a bakery called Simon the Pieman.

That would have been an example of rye wit?

Is it ever acceptable to have ale in a pie's gravy?

Almost compulsory.

I love steak and kidney pies with big chunks of kidney. Steak is good but kidney is where it's at.

Kidneys to me always taste of their function.

That's why they're so tasty

plus the texture is ace

Quote: sootyj @ October 23 2011, 8:26 PM BST

That's why they're so tasty

plus the texture is ace

I dislike kidney a lot. Foul stuff. >_<

I heard Sweeney Todd used to make a good Steak and Kidney Pie.

Quote: Will Cam @ October 23 2011, 8:52 PM BST

I dislike kidney a lot. Foul stuff. >_<


Quote: sootyj @ October 23 2011, 9:19 PM BST

homo's like us should stick together and bum each other


Anybody tried a Frey Bentos pie?

Revolting shite

Quote: lofthouse @ October 23 2011, 10:05 PM BST

Anybody tried a Frey Bentos pie?

I always keep one in the store cupboard; very much for emergencies, though when the time comes I always enjoy it more than I expect. The best bit is the soggy unrisen portion of the pastry lid.

Quote: lofthouse @ October 23 2011, 10:05 PM BST

Anybody tried a Frey Bentos pie?

Revolting shite