Eric & Ernie Page 3

Cheers - don't like watching stuff on iPlayer but I may well have to. Need to get a dongle for my TV I think. It would be interesting to see the documentary and the dramatisation together.

It was a good, solid piece of drama, though it didn't do anything much to elevate above it the swathe of other docu-dramas the BBC and others have served-up in the last few years. The performances were excellent, particularly from Vic and all the actors playing the duo.

The character of Eric's father seemed to promise more than was delivered. The quiet, humble man with an understated but genuine sense of humour was intriguing, but that character's story rather fizzled out to nothing, becoming only a foil to Eric's Mum. This may, of course, be how it was in real life, but dramatically it was a letdown.

This show was made with the cooperation of Eric & Ernie's families, so how much was sanitised (and how much the portrayal of the mother was somewhat hagiography) is unclear to me, as I'm not familiar with any "unauthorised" biography of M&W's early years.

Where it worked very well was as a piece of nostalgia for all of us who love and remember the pair. It was fun watching how their dynamic developed as the two grew up and there was a sense of triumph and relief when they found their comedy voices again in the denouement. If one was unfamiliar (through being too young etc) with M&W however, it wasn't a particularly great story.

Quote: Marc P @ January 3 2011, 1:09 PM GMT

Cheers - don't like watching stuff on iPlayer but I may well have to. Need to get a dongle for my TV I think. It would be interesting to see the documentary and the dramatisation together.

Despite its billing as Eric & Ernie: Behind The Scenes, the documentary was more of the story we'd just seen, being retold by commentators and the boys' widows, a little more factually whilst being intercut with the odd scene of the drama being made. It wasn't a true 'behind the scenes' or 'making of' feature in any sense - and all the better for it, I felt.

Quote: Aaron @ January 3 2011, 2:13 PM GMT

Despite its billing as Eric & Ernie: Behind The Scenes, the documentary was more of the story we'd just seen, being retold by commentators and the boys' widows, a little more factually whilst being intercut with the odd scene of the drama being made. It wasn't a true 'behind the scenes' or 'making of' feature in any sense - and all the better for it, I felt.

Cheers Aaron, that sounds just the kind of thing - nice to see where the drama and the reality meet.

I thought the actor playing Eric was fantastic, really spot on with the mannerisms. :)

Yes, I forgot I wasn't watching the real Eric at times. (Even though that sounds a bit mental.)

Quote: zooo @ January 3 2011, 9:07 PM GMT

Yes, I forgot I wasn't watching the real Eric at times. (Even though that sounds a bit mental.)

And it does, but kinda have to agree he was bob on.

Much enjoyed.

I just watched this a few days ago on iPlayer, brilliant stuff. Eric was perfectly played.
Nice to see the Windmill getting a look in, Tony Hancock was on the bill the same time as Eric and Ernie were playing.
One of the best things I watched over the holidays.

I thought it was excellent.
Definitely the most enjoyable Comedian biopic thing I've seen in the last few years.

I think being genuine pals helps a double act no end.

The older actors were both superb in the roles.

Unusually for a biopic about comedians it was made with affection and did not focus on what sad bastards/complete shits they were.

Good stuff. Between this and the Monkhouse doc the BBC have delivered some quality output.

I was worried for a moment that they would do what they did with the Dark Side of Comedy (I can't remember the actual title...) they did about Steptoe and Son and Frankie Howerd. But I thought this was an inspired piece of dramedy and Vic Reeves and Daniel Rigby were fantastic in their roles (although saying that, everyone was very good).

Looking forward to hopefully more of the same from the Beeb...

This was great. Not a fan of Jim Moir/Vic Reeves, but I liked him in this. Very good performances all round. Daniel Rigby was great as Morecambe. Fantastic.

I never got the chance to watch this biopic of Eric and Ernie. Will it be shown again, or is there any way on the internet that I can watch this full biopic?

There's a DVD available.