Episodes - Series 1 Page 3

Quote: Chappers @ August 30 2010, 11:50 PM BST

I thought it was team written - Friends that is. And by the look of this it's an American show isn't it?

Yes, but it was created by David Crane and Marta Kauffman. Apparently Episodes is written by David Crane and Jeffrey Klarik, but Stephen and Tamsin play the David and Marta roles.

Quote: chipolata @ September 23 2010, 5:27 PM BST

Poor old Joey. Unimpressed


Bless him.

Just seen this advertised. Well, this is a move in the right direction for sitcoms isn't it!!! Why doesn't TV just shove a camera up its arse and air the contents continiously on channel E4+5? Have TV execs ever bothered to open the door of the studios and look at the real world? This kind of vapid, incestuous, self regarding crap gives TV the bad name it has and puts two fingers up to creative, inspired writers who cannot get a toenail in the permanently closed iron clad industry door. Makes me Sick Sick Sick Sick Sick Sick Sick Sick Sick Sick Sick Sick Sick Sick Sick Sick Sick Sick Sick Sick Sick Sick Sick Sick Sick Sick Sick Sick Sick Sick Sick Sick Sick Sick Sick Sick Sick Sick Ah, that's better.

This starts next week. I wasn't too impressed with the clip I heard, and it does strike me as an awfully hackneyed theme. I'll give it a whirl, though.

(Also, you should edit "(sitcom with Matt LeBlanc)" out of the thread title. It looks untidy)

Quote: chipolata @ September 23 2010, 4:27 PM GMT

Poor old Joey. Unimpressed


I really doubt this article; the new sitcom has everything to do with "Joey". The first two Episodes are "out there"; it's not the funniest show in the world but it is completely watchable and a quality production.

Mett LeBlanc is a silver fox.

I guess it's aired in the US already because my American friend (with decent taste in comedy as far as I know) was just commenting on Facebook it was the worst thing he'd seen in a while.

I'll reserve judgment until I see it but am now wary instead of cautiously optimistic.

Terrible title, terrible concept.

Shakespeare didn't write many plays about a bald bloke who worked in a theatre did he?

Use your imagination you c**ts.

Quote: Griff @ January 8 2011, 1:02 AM GMT

And imagine Dickens writing a novel about a young political journalist in London who becomes a successful novelist. As if!

If Dickens had only written David Copperfield I'd probably call him a c**t too.

We live in heavily mediated times and it's true most of us would rather look at a photograph of a tree than a real tree, but concepts like 'Episodes' really try my patience. It's self-indulgent, unimaginative and contemptuous of the audience all at same time.

30 Rock? Curb? Extras?

All pretty self-indulgent. All pretty funny (in my view).