Yellowbeard Page 2

Quote: Tuumble @ April 12 2010, 10:05 PM BST

Palin talks about Yellowbeard in his diaries. He uses expressions like "Graham tries to get me involed in Yellowbeard AGAIN." He's so dismissive of it you can tell he thought the script was so bad he didn't want anything to do it.

Yet Palin did Time Bandits and Jabberwocky. I much prefer Yellowbeard, mostly because it has Peter Cook (and Marty Feldman and Madeline Kahn and Spike Milligan) and is much more fun. Other Python-linked films around that time that were inferior include Privates on Parade, Erik the Viking and The Adventures of Baron Munchausen.

The Missionary, Clockwise and Nuns on the Run (the female lead is the actress who later played Billie Piper's mum in Doctor Who) were all superior to Yellowbeard, but I find them equally enjoyable. I haven't seen Brazil since the 80s, so will not comment on it, apart from recalling that it wasn't a barrel of laughs.