Rising Damp or The F and R of Reginald Perrin Page 3

It's not a good series, but I've no doubt it'll appear even worse if you only see the one episode.

For info, The Waterloo Bridge Handicap, starring Leonard Rossiter has now been posted on You Tube.

Oh ta, maybe someone can put a link up for others to see? I'm not ITy. Saw it as a cinema short in...blimey, was it really? Teary It totally eclipsed the main feature that followed, I remember that. Link please. :)

Absolutely has to be Reginald Perrin. Never really understood why Rising Damp is rated as highly as it is, while the Fall and Rise was just such a perfect show. Depth, great characters, and very funny.

It was super. Great.

Hehe. "Super. Great." I didn't get where I am today by using the obvious catchphrase.


Rigsby for me.
Sorry wrong thread, I mean Rising damp

Reginald Perrin...simples.

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ December 18 2009, 3:21 AM GMT

At the time (for I was young) I thought that Reggie Perrin was just Rigsby in a suit.

Laughing out loud

I've seen Rising Damp more often and because of the presence of Richard Beckinsale and Frances De La Tour, for me it's probably RD...but Reginald Perrin was brilliant too so I don't know... it's like someone asking me to choose which of my children I prefer!