The all-in-one consolidatory football thread Page 264

Quote: Jack Daniels @ August 20 2011, 3:39 PM BST

You an Arsenal fan? This season is the beginning of the end for the Gunners. End of season, 7th/8th at best!

Wenger won't back down now on his youth policy as it would be admitting he was wrong to not make big signings, and he's too stubborn for that.

Arsenal success was reliant on superstars who aren't there any more. Henry, Bergkamp, Petit, Viera, Overmars, Llungberg and Pires (when they were at the peak) Campbell, Ashley Cole... Damn, that was one f**king good team! Best football the Premiership's ever seen.

All over now though. Ha! Soon the fickle knobheads in that oversized stadium'll be calling for him to be axed.

Your creative writing has gone right downhill :D

I thought it made for an eloquent piece of graffiti, used up the whole can of spray paint Smarmy

Quote: Trabs @ August 16 2011, 1:45 PM BST

I wonder if Robbie Keane has always been a massive LA Galaxy fan, ever since he was a small boy growing up in Dublin?

It only seems like yesterday that he joined Inter Milan as a 17-year-old. His first club was Coventry, wasn't it? Back when his strike partner was the little Zimbabwean Peter Ndlove, wasn't it?

Keane started at Wolves I think...

Wolves, yep.

Strachan signed him for £6M for Coventry after Alex Ferguson said he was interested but wouldn't pay 'more than £500,000' for him.

Keane is the archetypal journeyman footballer, moves from club to club to club. He's at a club two weeks before he moans about not being played enough. I think the fact he has had so many clubs says how good a player he is - not that good. A one trick pony.

And yet he's Ireland's top all time scorer, presumably because Ireland play to his strengths and put him centre stage. Because his premier teams play to their top striker's strengths (which is never Keane), he fails to fit in with the system and falls out of form. Then sulks and moans and throws a paddy. Then moves to another club. He has wasted tens of millions of clubs' money.

Looks like everton might struggle this season

not a pot to piss in and getting beaten by the likes of Qpr at home


scouse rubbish

Well well, isn't this Wenger situation interesting. Finally it seems his once adoring fans are turning against him. He however seems his usual stubborn self, refusing to even contemplate going. His chairman seems to think he is untouchable too. This is not at all normal behaviour in football, where unsuccessful managers are usually sacked at the first opportunity.

With other less vaunted managers you'd be saying, another two or three bad results and he'll go. But Monsuier Wenger isn't your average manager. He seems to have become bigger than Arsenal itself. He seems to believe he IS Arsenal. Maybe his name makes him think this. Is he really all there, or is he suffering from some strange psychiatric condition? Arsenality Disorder. Judging by one shot of him yesterday, he does seem to be going through some tough times, upstairs. Maybe the only way Arsene Wenger will leave Arsenal now is in a white paddedd van. I hear the sirens now, woo woo woo woo...

They'll never, ever sack Wenger.

He's completely lost it...putting their title/Champions League chases on a dude from Charlton Athletic and a man named Frimpong.

Lunacy, I tell yer!

On TalkSport they reckoned Wenger was a contender for the England job if the Rednapp thing fell through.

Really should stick to Englishmen where possible though.

I heard that, too.

He's won 3 titles in 15 years. A good record?

How many have liverpool won in 15 years?


Prediction for tommorow night.

Man Utd. 2
Tottenham. 3

Lofthouse how many times have Nootlob won the league?
Your just a mill town set up who are up and down like a new brides nightie!
So don't be getting a bit too big for your clogs and giving stick about Everton FC, stick to your whippets and your nans black pudding and don't forget to twist your cap when Mill owner fetches for your your sister!