Good, the bad and the downright crap! Page 3

Quote: Tim Walker @ June 16 2009, 4:01 PM BST

It does strike me that possibly this show was commissioned solely on the basis of its title. (Pitched by Alan Partidge in a moment of desperation.)

I've heard people talking about Extreme Fishing with Robson Green and Ross Kemp in Afghanistan/On Gangs/Looking for Pirates but then found out these are real shows which are actually real :O Can only be a matter of time before Monkey Tennis gets made.

Quote: Robert D @ June 13 2009, 2:19 PM BST

But not if it's getting axed!

Well hopefully that won't happen. Watched a new episode on Sunday, certainly has a different feel about it now, having Peter Sallis and Jane Freeman around keeps up the continuity though

Will & Grace was/is painful.

Quote: Rob H @ June 16 2009, 4:16 PM BST

I've heard people talking about Extreme Fishing with Robson Green and Ross Kemp in Afghanistan/On Gangs/Looking for Pirates but then found out these are real shows which are actually real :O

And quite good to boot! :O

Ross Kemp' documentaries aren't too bad, and that fishing thing is the best thing Robson Green's ever done.

Quote: chipolata @ June 17 2009, 11:25 AM BST

Ross Kemp' documentaries aren't too bad, and that fishing thing is the best thing Robson Green's ever done.

Are you on drugs? Console [Don't know why I used this face; just had to add it]

Quote: chipolata @ June 17 2009, 11:25 AM BST

And quite good to boot! :O

Ross Kemp' documentaries aren't too bad, and that fishing thing is the best thing Robson Green's ever done.

I know. That was the most surprising thing. I turned over to Robson Green just to laugh at it for a few minutes, and ended up watching th ewhole episode and really enjoyin git. I've watched two episodes of Ross Kemp not finding Pirates and enjoyed that too.

Still doesn't mean that uproarous (is that a word?) laughter at the pitching stage wasn't as far as programmes with those titles should ever have got though.

What was that series back in the 1980s with Paul McCann, Honor Blackman and some blonde actress? I really did try to watch it but I've had more laughs having injections in the roof of my mouth. Some shows are not just not funny, they are decidedly painful.....this was definitely one of the most painful.

Oh and I just remembered, another one that made me want to saw my own head off was 'Mind Your Language'.

The Upper Hand.

I liked it!

Quote: bigbasspa @ June 21 2009, 2:08 AM BST

Oh and I just remembered, another one that made me want to saw my own head off was 'Mind Your Language'.

One of the few terrible British sitcoms which one can't even laugh at ironically.

Hard to believe we got away with it in those innocent days...

Here's a link to more forgotten British TV...

Quote: zooo @ June 21 2009, 2:09 AM BST

The Upper Hand.

I liked it!

Thank you.

I think the problem I have with comedies like The Upper Hand and Mind Your Language is that you kind of know exactly what the next line is going to be and the jokes all seem extremely telegraphed and very obvious. Maybe it's just me but I especially love series which have a bit of a bizarre edge to them - 'safe', 'middle-class' comedies have never done anything for me. One Foot in the Grave could have been just another Terry and June yet it got quite surreal at times and the writing was just so inventive. One 'middle-class' comedy that I did like was Ever Decreasing Circles. 'Martin' was eccentric to say the least and Richard Briers was was excellent in the role. I guess when I feel that a series is just too predictable, I just can't find any 'hook' to keep watching.

Quote: Tim Walker @ June 21 2009, 2:14 AM BST

One of the few terrible British sitcoms which one can't even laugh at ironically.

Hard to believe we got away with it in those innocent days...

Here's a link to more forgotten British TV...

Thanks Tim, I'll check that out.

Quote: bigbasspa @ June 21 2009, 2:08 AM BST

What was that series back in the 80's with Paul McCann, Honor Blackman and some blonde actress?

Joe McGann, but then you had a one in four chance of getting it right. As I recall it began life as a remake of an American original, placing it in such company as Brighton Belles and Married For Life.

Panto in a mental hospital? Hmm I might just pinch that idea.

Somelike On the Buses actually annoy me. There's maybe 3 or 4 really talented actors in that. But the scripts are so limp and joyless there's no laughs to be had.

Quote: Darren Pomroy @ June 17 2009, 9:20 AM BST

Will & Grace was/is painful.

There's been some nice episodes like the one with Michael Douglas as a gay stalker cop.

With Pete Sampras, we were close.

Quote: Griff @ June 21 2009, 12:32 PM BST

Can anyone actually put their hand on their heart and say they wouldn't love to see Monkey Tennis?

To be honest, I would watch any sport if monkeys were involved. Especially chimps, of course.

You can't ever have enough monkeys. If they're dressed-up, so much the better.

Pete Sampras is quite hairy, isn't he?