I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,457

Quote: Chris Hallam @ 7th September 2022, 7:31 AM

Right-wing people generally seem much angrier and prone to feelings of hatred than Lefties do.

Down the rabbit hole and through the looking glass. Hate is the bread and butter of the left, and they (you) project it.

"Never kissed a Tory", "Tory scum", "no Tories" - all such refrains are never reflected on the right.

Quote: Aaron @ 7th September 2022, 11:37 AM

Down the rabbit hole and through the looking glass. Hate is the bread and butter of the left, and they (you) project it.

"Never kissed a Tory", "Tory scum", "no Tories" - all such refrains are never reflected on the right.

Pretending the the left or right are more hate filled is a bit silly. Both sides of the spectrum have people frothing at the mouth with venom.

Angie likes to use the word scum.

Quote: Aaron @ 7th September 2022, 11:37 AM

Down the rabbit hole and through the looking glass. Hate is the bread and butter of the left, and they (you) project it.

"Never kissed a Tory", "Tory scum", "no Tories" - all such refrains are never reflected on the right.

'PC gone mad'? 'Woke idiots?' 'Commie scumbags?' 'The Loony Left...?"

Quote: beaky @ 7th September 2022, 9:59 AM

There being no white men in the four great offices of state is a huge boost for the Tories, even though it infuriates many of their voters.

It really doesn't. You should spend more time in England rather than Spain. You're running on 30-plus-year-old stereotypes and sounding like Love Thy Neighbour's Eddie Booth. Do you think "nig nogs" cook de white man in de big pot?

Quote: chipolata @ 7th September 2022, 11:41 AM

Pretending the the left or right are more hate filled is a bit silly. Both sides of the spectrum have people frothing at the mouth with venom.

Absolutely! Difference is that in the left, hatred is baked in to the very core. It is intrinsic and institutional. You see front bench Labour MPs brandishing such silly slogans, even in 2022. You don't of the high profile, institutional figures on the right.

Quote: Aaron @ 7th September 2022, 11:37 AM

Hate is the bread and butter of the left....

What was I just saying about massive generalisations?
And doesn't it rather depend on what you're hating?
I hate bullies, for instance.

Quote: Chris Hallam @ 7th September 2022, 11:41 AM

'PC gone mad'? 'Woke idiots?'

Neither PC nor woke ideologies are unique in existing on the left.

Quote: Chris Hallam @ 7th September 2022, 11:41 AM

'Commie scumbags?' 'The Loony Left...?"

The former is very rare; the latter is hardly as hate-filled as the regular chants from Labour.

Quote: Lazzard @ 7th September 2022, 11:43 AM

What was I just saying about massive generalisations?

It's not a generalisation though, is it? The entirety of leftist policy and outlook is based upon hatred, jealousy, division and othering. Class war. Financial envy.

All tiresome and damaging.

Quote: Lazzard @ 7th September 2022, 10:10 AM

It's like aligning Tommy Robinson, Laurence Fox, the murder of Sarah Cox, the EDF and Britain First with the mainstream Tory party.

Sounds like you're squaring up for a fight with Hallam there, Lazzard. ;-)

Quote: Lazzard @ 7th September 2022, 10:10 AM

If - God willing - there was to be a change of govt. it would be a very Centrist, Progressive affair.

Genuine question, not meaning to sound snarky: where do you think this will come from? It could be what the country needs - but it's certainly not being offered by any party right now.

Quote: Lazzard @ 7th September 2022, 11:14 AM

Can't be bothered to scroll back 2000 pages.
Will you accept "sometimes"?

2000 pages to look for the often used phrase 'loony lefties.
I looked - didn't find a single one.
Perhaps my search wasn't exhaustive but you'd think I would find it as it's 'often used or even sometimes.

Quote: Aaron @ 7th September 2022, 11:45 AM

The entirety of leftist policy and outlook is based upon hatred, jealousy, division and othering. Class war. Financial envy.

All tiresome and damaging.


Quote: Lazzard @ 7th September 2022, 10:21 AM

It's what the Tory frontbenchers do when they want to scare their voters.

I would genuinely be interested to see this pointed out next time you think it happens.

I've never heard anyone attack someone as 'pc' or 'woke' when they weren't referring to someone on the left.

Quote: Aaron @ 7th September 2022, 11:52 AM

I would genuinely be interested to see this pointed out next time you think it happens.

I shall.
In the past it has mainly been unfounded threats of the return of Corbyn & marxism.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 7th September 2022, 11:51 AM

2000 pages to look for the often used phrase 'loony lefties.
I looked - didn't find a single one.
Perhaps my search wasn't exhaustive but you'd think I would find it as it's 'often used or even sometimes.

Didn't have to go that far back.


So, 2 years ago at least then.


That's once - keep going.
It must have struck a chord if it's the only instance but you thought it was a regular occurrence.

Quote: Lazzard @ 7th September 2022, 12:03 PM


The Corbyn threat, he's been gone 2 years.