Bonfire night! Page 2

Quote: RubyMae - Glamourous Snowdrop at Large @ November 2 2008, 1:12 AM BST

It's been going hundreds of years!

So has religion and look how thats panned out :P

Quote: DaButt @ November 2 2008, 1:12 AM BST

I'll be in Florida, relaxing at my parents' place near the ocean and enjoying the end of the longest presidential campaign in memory.

Although the more adamant Obama supporters have promised fire and blood in the streets if he manages to lose the election, so perhaps we'll have some fireworks of our own.

Every year on Bonfire night, I'm reminded of the time I burned my hand on a sparkler, in my Great Auntie's back yard, when I was about 6. Even now, just thinking about it, I can almost smell it, burning my skin.

As for this year, I probably won't be doing anything. Maybe next year, when my nephew will have just turned 3, I'll start joining in, for his sake, but at the moment, he's too young to really appreciate it.

I loooooooove fireworks.

Not in my own garden or anything, that would just be scary.
But proper displays.


Would you like your own barrel?

I'm gonna be burnt I know it.

Quote: zooo @ November 2 2008, 1:08 AM BST

Guy Fawkes's head was put on a stick on London Bridge!
It was it was!!!


Quote: zooo @ November 2 2008, 1:16 AM BST

I loooooooove fireworks.

Not in my own garden or anything, that would just be scary.


Any see the gadget show, they were doing the top 5 fireworks, it was pointless!

"Can you believe it! £120 and a 2 minute display! It even looks a bit professional kind of! - Buy one now!!!"

Quote: DaButt @ November 2 2008, 1:15 AM BST

Although the more adamant Obama supporters have promised fire and blood in the streets if he manages to lose the election, so perhaps we'll have some fireworks of our own.

I suspect there may be a few burning crosses if he wins.

There's a lot of fireworks going off tonight, but it's such a pain that bonfire night is on a Wednesday this year. I can't do much due to school the next morning, and homework from the day before.

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ November 2 2008, 6:38 PM GMT

There's a lot of fireworks going off tonight, but it's such a pain that bonfire night is on a Wednesday this year. I can't do much due to school the next morning, and homework from the day before.

Good excuse.

Sorry I had finished the fireworks ate my homework.

Nearly bonfire night, I can hear various rockets going off now.

Tomorrow is the night!!!


I'm going to see Macbeth tomorrow night, so won't be seeing fireworks! :(

This time tomorrow, I'll be about to be set on fire by a burning barrel.