Movies / Television vs Real Life

Just a fun little thread to compare things that happen in television and movies compared to real life. They don't have to be huge things, just the weird tiny details that suddenly make you realise that Movies / TV just don't stack up with actual experiences.

I'll start with a couple -

Parking Space -

Whenever someone has to drive somewhere, there is always a parking space available right outside when they arrive.

Microwave Ovens -

They show a grotty criminal living in the most disgusting apartment ever. He goes to nuke a meal, pushes aside a dead rat on the filthy work surface, yet when he opens the door, the inside of the microwave is spotless.


Strangely the only move ever shown is the final one - checkmate.


In soaps, people go there specifically to scream about their personal business in front of an audience.

No one in EastEnders owns a washing machine, but they can have breakfast in the cafe every day.

Quote: sootyj @ September 4 2012, 9:59 PM BST

No one in EastEnders owns a washing machine, but they can have breakfast in the cafe every day.

Also people who lived in a street for three years a decade ago will turn up again, even though the only person who was around back then and still lives there is Ian. And they don't like Ian.

Whenever there's a sex scene there's never a pair of skid marked underpants strewn across the bedroom floor...

Mind you, I don't watch Coronation Street so I could be wrong...

(think they stopped this)
anyone in EastEnders who needs an unexpected windfall wins on a horse.

Most sitcoms, soaps etc. Poor characters live in houses they could never ever afford.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ September 4 2012, 10:01 PM BST

And they don't like Ian.

Laughing out loud

All American undercover cops drive a $80,000 concours condition classic muscle car, drink $300 worth of booze a day and live in a massive loft apartment, but yet, have trouble meeting their alimony payments.

In a car chase involving modern cars, the airbags only deploy at the right moment to save someone, they never go off when cars are jumping bridges or ramming each other at high speed.

Lamps are always on in the background in houses, you never see anyone switch them on.

In the soaps, everyone keeps bumping into each other, seeing each other from windows, turning up at the same bars etc and live and work within a tiny radius of each other, very cosy but unrealistic.

I could do a whole list on the Queen Vic in EastEnders I will -

When new characters visit the Queen Vic for the first time and see Cockneys beating crap out of each other, why do they go back?

How can a pub that burned down three times still have exactly the same interior decor?

Why is no one stood outside the Queen Vic smoking a cigarette?

How does a pub with such ugly bar staff, who are rude and drunk all the time, get customers?

How do people who eat in the cafe three times a day, drink in the pub four times a day and spend their spare time getting beaten up live beyond the age of 30?

Answer to all of the above

because there isn't a Wetherspoons

I don't know if they still do it.
But whenever you are giving a consoling hug to someone of the opposite sex, their partner suddenly appears at the open doorway, watches you for a moment & then storms off.

They're in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night, someone lights a match or a candle and suddenly it's all brighter than your own house.


There's never normal rain, it's either a torrential downpour or bone dry.