Things that piss you off Page 846

I never, ever took my sons clothes shopping with me (pauses for tumultuous applause). Actually I never understand people who go clothes shopping with other people. It's something best done alone.

Quote: keewik @ January 30 2012, 11:50 PM GMT

I never, ever took my sons clothes shopping with me (pauses for tumultuous applause). Actually I never understand people who go clothes shopping with other people. It's something best done alone.

My mother took me shopping every bloody saturday. I hated it. Will you be my mom???

As long as you can wipe your own bottom.

Quote: keewik @ January 31 2012, 12:35 AM GMT

As long as you can wipe your own bottom.

Pfff yesterday I crossed the road by myself.

Quote: roscoff @ January 31 2012, 12:37 AM GMT

Pfff yesterday I crossed the road by myself whilst wiping my bottom.

When the bus stops have different "names" to the ones on the website, making you miss your stop.

When you have a special arrangement with a pal, 3 rings we will be in pub, they don't turn up.

A week later they say we are ignoring them?...

Quote: dellas @ January 31 2012, 3:54 AM GMT

When you have a special arrangement with a pal, 3 rings we will be in pub, they don't turn up.

A week later they say we are ignoring them?...

You have a secret code based on how many times a phone rings? Wouldn't it be easier to just answer the phone? ;)

Quote: dellas @ January 31 2012, 3:54 AM GMT

When you have a special arrangement with a pal, 3 rings we will be in pub, they don't turn up.

A week later they say we are ignoring them?...

If I ring you 3 times you'll turn up at the pub and then become paranoid?

hmm what's Dellas's number, I have some mischief to make.

By "special arrangement" do you mean clandestine?

:D No, He never answers his phone, too many reasons why, so I decided at 10pm I will ring 3 times that means we are at pub, its hard luck if you don't respond to this. He was the one who said we are never out when He goes, feeling like we avoid him.

Bought a box set of DVDs off ebay. They've turned up this morning and they are region 1 and won't play on my PS3. I've been mugged off with foreign DVDs and now I have to wait for the seller to respond before I get a refund. I'm not happy. :(

:( OH dear always best to ask these questions before purchase, then eBay protocal can help when things go wrong, it is all on-line.

Quote: dellas @ January 31 2012, 3:54 AM GMT

When you have a special arrangement with a pal, 3 rings we will be in pub, they don't turn up.

A week later they say we are ignoring them?...

Or when people constantly cancel plans to do something, then when you do finally see each other they say "oh I haven't seen you for ages"!

Other things that are pissing me off at the moment- Having to make a big decision between two things. Whichever I pick could be the wrong choice but have no way of predicting which. Anyone got a crystal ball?

Quote: Elliott Gill @ January 31 2012, 11:00 AM GMT

Bought a box set of DVDs off ebay. They've turned up this morning and they are region 1 and won't play on my PS3. I've been mugged off with foreign DVDs and now I have to wait for the seller to respond before I get a refund. I'm not happy. :(

Is there no hidden menu to unlock regional DVDs on a PS3? Plus, I thoughts the PS3 was region free?