Elvis has left the building Page 3

Quote: chipolata @ December 19 2011, 6:47 PM GMT

Who are the Republicans drooling over at the moment as a presidential candidate? None seem particularly inspiring.

They're a fairly drab bunch. Gingrich is probably the smartest and most qualified but he carries a lot of baggage. I expect Romney will lurk in the shadows and win the nomination.

For what it's worth, Republicans would rather elect Hillary Clinton than see another 4 years of Obama. She should consider running.

Quote: catskillz @ December 19 2011, 7:10 PM GMT

Now I'm not saying this is true, but a lot of insiders are saying it is: http://benjaminfulford.net/

Ahh, Rothschilds and Bilderbergs and the CFR. Sick

From the author's Wikipedia page:

After the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami, Fulford claimed on Japanese television that "(t)he American government in cooperation with (the) Federal Reserve, the Rockefellers, and other powerful groups, they are planning the eruption of Mt. Fuji Volcano. The earthquake and the tsunami was March 11th, 2011, 03.11.11. The Mt. Fuji Eruption they are planning is for April 11th, 2011." Fulford attributed the earthquake, tsunami and his predicted eruption of Mt. Fuji to HAARP, a scientific facility used by physicists to research the upper atmosphere. There has been no such eruption of Mt. Fuji since 1708.

Does Kim Jong-un look, well, quite the 'ommer to anyone?

Quote: sootyj @ December 19 2011, 7:30 PM GMT

Catskillz you are aware that is just a load of gibberish.

nb any links to news stories on mass arrests of senior Japanese coppers, only it's not mentioned on Google.

Spooky eh?

Not spooky at all. The bad guys control the media, and a lot more besides. Go and do some research if you want to know more. Although according to that Benjamin Fulford guy, they'll be losing their control sometime next year.


I think this is probably nearest the mark. I think maybe the state puts something in their rice too. How can the north be so rabidly different from the south? There is real hatred there.

Quote: Kenneth @ December 19 2011, 1:21 PM GMT

If they're being filmed by the state media, they will likely be in trouble if they don't put on a good show of grief. The best weepers might get an extra bowl of rice.

Quote: catskillz @ December 19 2011, 7:10 PM GMT

I've been keeping a lot of conspiracy stuff to myself, after my 9/11 rant back in August, but now I think it's time to start talking again.

Now I'm not saying this is true, but a lot of insiders are saying it is: http://benjaminfulford.net/

Catskillz, you must know this is absolute nonsense. I seriously doubt your sanity if you believe this crap.

Quote: Oldrocker @ December 20 2011, 12:48 AM GMT

Does Kim Jong-un look, well, quite the 'ommer to anyone?

I might agree, if I knew wtf an 'ommer is.

Quote: catskillz @ December 19 2011, 7:10 PM GMT

I've been keeping a lot of conspiracy stuff to myself, after my 9/11 rant back in August, but now I think it's time to start talking again.

Yeah, I'd leave it a bit longer.

Quote: DaButt @ December 19 2011, 7:36 PM GMT

They're a fairly drab bunch. Gingrich is probably the smartest and most qualified but he carries a lot of baggage. I expect Romney will lurk in the shadows and win the nomination.

Why is that? You have an unpopular Democratic president yet the opposition has fielded a line-up of pygmies?

Quote: Nogget @ December 20 2011, 8:57 AM GMT

I might agree, if I knew wtf an 'ommer is.

Sorry, bit of Black Country there . . . quite the ticket better ?

I understand Gingrich is planning on stealing Christmas.

A little part of me is wondering whether he actually is dead, or whether his death has been faked and he's going to keep pulling the strings from behind the scenes. Jong-Un has the same face as his late father.

It's been a bad year for bad men. Gaddafi, Bin Laden, John Lucas 101 and now this chap.

Quote: Nat Wicks @ December 20 2011, 10:28 AM GMT

A little part of me is wondering whether he actually is dead, or whether his death has been faked and he's going to keep pulling the strings from behind the scenes. Jong-Un has the same face as his late father.

I did like The Onion headline: " Kim Jong-Un Privately Doubting He's Crazy Enough To Run North Korea"

I doubt it, he was actually a lot less powerful than his dad. The military and political elite shared power with him and I doubt they'd go along with such a plan.

Interesting thought.

I mean Catskillz maybe batshit on most things but I can believe he was murdered. Stalin and Mao were both reckoned killed when they're underlings worried about a dodering old tyrant with a finger on the red button and the unquestioning obediance of the people in their back pocket.

Quote: Rob H @ December 20 2011, 8:53 AM GMT

Catskillz, you must know this is absolute nonsense. I seriously doubt your sanity if you believe this crap.

Believing this stuff takes time. Unfortuntely most people don't have a lot of spare time, and when they do get some, they're busy watching the X-Factor, EastEnders or sport, so they don't get to see stuff like this (skip to 45:24 and watch until 51:10): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OfIlUMS_Q3g&feature=relmfu

oh dear the unnamed fish conspiracy