Life's Too Short Page 29

It's okay, Ricky's just said "It's a great show" on Alan Carr's programme, so that's it all sorted.

He also slipped in that he'll have a 200 million audience for the Golden Globes.

Quote: Badge @ December 4 2011, 10:28 PM GMT

It's okay, Ricky's just said "It's a great show" on Alan Carr's programme, so that's it all sorted.

He also slipped in that he'll have a 200 million audience for the Golden Globes.

Warwick also said, "People are really enjoying it".

Not the general consensus though.

Quote: zooo @ December 4 2011, 1:43 PM GMT

I think saying it's rubbish, or hasn't worked is a completely fair criticism. But I don't think that saying it's mocking dwarfs and saying 'ooh aren't they weird and funny little things' is at all fair.

But everyone seems to have a vastly different perception of it, so we're never going to agree.

The show stars and is about a dwarf. Are you suggesting that's incidental? If not then what other possible reason could there be for it starring a dwarf other than that makes it funnier than if it starred a person of average height?

It's pretty obvious knowing Ricky Gervais that he thinks Warwick Davis doing almost 'anything' is funny, and that is the concept behind the show.

It's pretty obvious knowing Ricky Gervais that he thinks Warwick Davis doing almost 'anything' is funny, and that is the concept behind the show.

Could also say that Gervais thinks anything Karl does is funny.

Quote: jhmagic1 @ December 5 2011, 12:17 AM GMT

Could also say that Gervais thinks anything Karl does is funny.

If you mean Karl Pilkington - I only saw one thing with him and Gervais and I have never seen anyone act being a moron so badly as Pilkington. The only exploitation there is of the viewer.

Wonder if Warwick thinks he's being exploited?

Quote: Godot Taxis @ December 5 2011, 12:25 AM GMT

If you mean Karl Pilkington - I only saw one thing with him and Gervais and I have never seen anyone act being a moron so badly as Pilkington. The only exploitation there is of the viewer.

Ha. I love it when a person has almost no knowledge/experience of a thing and yet still declares himself to know better than others about it.

Get f**ked. Or point out the post where I claimed to know better than others whilst having less 'knowledge/experience of a thing.'

Quote: zooo @ December 4 2011, 9:46 PM GMT

I'm afraid you'll find the level of hilarity of dwarfs or ordinary sized people in bins is subjective.

Everything is subjective though, isn't it? That's always such an easy/lazy comment to make.

If you asked people what's funnier: a dwarf in a bin or a normal sized person in a bin? The majority would almost certainly say the former.

(As you well know.)

Quote: don rushmore @ December 4 2011, 9:02 PM GMT

That's simply not true. Visually - and we are talking sight gags and slapstick here - a midget in a bin will always look more bizarre and humourous than a normal sized person in the same situation.

If all you can see is their head, perhaps shoulders, then height is immaterial.

But you know that a Dwarf would fit in a bin where you could only see their head & shoulders, a normal sized person would be only half way in

I suppose it all comes down to context: has the person got into the bin of their own accord, or - as in the case of LTS - have they been forced to do so? There's certainly more comedy potential in the latter scenario.

Though, all in all, stuffing characters into bins and toilets is pretty weak stuff, regardless of size.

Quote: zooo @ December 4 2011, 7:43 PM GMT

I do believe I agree. (Although just with the first bit, not that there will be a second series.)

I'm not saying there will definitely be a 2nd series, just that I think it deserves a 2nd chance, taking the criticism on board, and Ricky and co will be hoping there'a 2nd series presumably.

;) Let us roll on a comatose person, well it's ok ,fun title 'A bit dead' or 'It's ok they can't respond' because their lives are too short, fun, let it begin.