Green Tea Page 10

Quote: ajp29 @ September 26, 2007, 12:37 PM

Theres not enough room on the internet to list them but i'd have to say fundamentally the Conservatives attitude to help themselves at the expense of others. E.g. Taxes

Help themselves at the expense of others? Like Tony Blair and his gang pulling up the ladder on 'free' university education, you mean?

In any case, you'll have to be more specific than that. So far, it's a typically groundless, clutching-at-straws leftie version of Conservative policies and ideologies.

Quote: Aaron @ September 26, 2007, 8:09 PM

In any case, you'll have to be more specific than that. So far, it's a typically groundless, clutching-at-straws leftie version of Conservative policies and ideologies.

I won't get into an argument for 2 reasons:
1) it will bore people and
2) at the moment the Conservatives have no policies :P

But they do have Boris.

Haha, zooo knows where it's at. Cool

Anyway Adam, fair enough. Still doesn't really align with conservatism though - more like communism. ;)

Quote: Frankie Rage @ September 26, 2007, 6:37 PM

Appearance is often what you want to see Godot. If you'd care to provide your definition of what a racist is then I'd be interested to see if I stack up to be a racist (by your definition). I do not consider myself a racist by my own definition.

There's a consensus of what racism is, nobody needs me to define it. Your comments in the 'Motto for the UK' thread, about being 'overwhelmed' and the 'indigenous population' being extinguished, would constitute racist views to most people.

Quote: Godot Taxis @ September 26, 2007, 11:33 PM

There's a consensus of what racism is, nobody needs me to define it. Your comments in the 'Motto for the UK' thread, about being 'overwhelmed' and the 'indigenous population' being extinguished, would constitute racist views to most people.

Actually Godot I think most people would view them as a joke like they were originally intended

Do you feel the same way about 'jokes about yids'?

Expressing racist views and then claiming to be making a joke is nice way of having your cake and eating it.

Well if Frankie was speaking in a Temple you may have a point but this is a comedy forum not a Neo Nazi website so I think assuming that a user's motive is anything but comedic and above all not literal is a mistake.

Quote: Godot Taxis @ September 26, 2007, 11:33 PM

There's a consensus of what racism is, nobody needs me to define it. Your comments in the 'Motto for the UK' thread, about being 'overwhelmed' and the 'indigenous population' being extinguished, would constitute racist views to most people.

I doubt that very much. You are not "most" people Godot.

I am not sure who you are or represent but I doubt it's "most" people.

Who are "most" people? Most people on this forum? Most people in your town? Most people in your house? Most people in your head?

Quote: Godot Taxis @ September 27, 2007, 12:02 AM

Do you feel the same way about 'jokes about yids'?

Expressing racist views and then claiming to be making a joke is nice way of having your cake and eating it.

What are *racist views Godot?

(*according to Godot)

Let's have some definitions please!

Quote: ajp29 @ September 27, 2007, 12:27 AM

Well if Frankie was speaking in a Temple you may have a point but this is a comedy forum not a Neo Nazi website so I think assuming that a user's motive is anything but comedic and above all not literal is a mistake.

Of course it's comedic; I'm not a racist, some of my best friends are racists!
I do have a swastika in my undergarments but this is due to a multitude of jews, no sorry, not jews that would be greeks aw, no I mean Italians, aw no I mean Christians, aw no I mean agnostics, aw no I mean anybody, aw no it's just... skid marks and toilet humour after all... :(

I would be happy to explain the humour (such as it is) behind my supposedly racist comments but first I'd like to see if Godot will post a definition of racism as I think that might be quite illuminating with regards to discussing it. So I am of course, steady now, waiting for Godot!

England <tries to superimpose swastika but fails>

Gents, come on, calm down. I'm all for free speech, but this is getting a bit silly now.

Frankie was joking. Joking as in not being serious (well, ironic in this case), not joking as in har-de-har-har.

And the both of you - indeed everyone - need to calm down a bit and stop taking everything so seriously, literally, and personally.

Now, would anybody like a sweetie?

The problem is that jokes about Asylum Seekers only serve to promote the political views of the 'send em' back' crowd. However, those that tut at racially orientated jokes often find 'chav' or 'blonde' jokes hilarious and 'just a bit of fun' so who is anyone to judge? Such jokes certainly don't make one racist, but it might spread predjudiced views.

(Jimmy Carr's still a misogynistic twit though.)

Quote: Cinnamon @ September 27, 2007, 2:57 PM

The problem is that jokes about Asylum Seekers only serve to promote the political views of the 'send em' back' crowd. However, those that tut at racially orientated jokes often find 'chav' or 'blonde' jokes hilarious and 'just a bit of fun' so who is anyone to judge? Such jokes certainly don't make one racist, but it might spread predjudiced views.

(Jimmy Carr's still a misogynistic twit though.)

I don’t agree with the send ‘em back crowd (unless they are illegal Immigrants we are sending back) and I also think that genuine Asylum Seekers should be given shelter BUT I don’t agree with the argument that jokes about Asylum Seekers promote the cause of the send ‘em backers. That’s the kind of PC tripe I abhor! I can see why you think that way, but I just don’t agree!

However, we are both entitled to our opinion! :)

As for Jimmy Carr, I am not a big fan, I can take him or leave him!

Quote: Aaron @ September 27, 2007, 12:26 PM

Gents, come on, calm down. And the both of you - indeed everyone - need to calm down a bit and stop taking everything so seriously, literally, and personally.

Now, would anybody like a sweetie?

If you are accused of being a racist, it's sort of hard not to take it a bit personally! ;)

Sweeties: Have you got any of those flying-saucer ones? :)

Alternatively, 19 paracetomol and a coffee will do! My liver likes to live dangerously...

We are indeed. Sweets for all!

For Frankie rage

"If your Asylum Claim fails the first time, give it another go, it's easy!

England - the land of opportunity - if you can grab it fast enough before it's overwhelmed.

Help save the indigenous majority from extinction! "

These comments of yours are all racist and rely on racist assumptions for their effect. You can hear about immigrants 'overwhelming' the resident population from your local BNP representative any day of the week. The personification of immigrants as some sort of extinguishing mass, rather than individuals who are not related to each other and have no common purpose is a mainstay of right wing rabble rousing.

F.Rage would like to think that only I believe this. The reality is that any of the above comments would get you the sack from your job in the UK.

Not to mention his 'Turbanacious', which would probably be most expeditious.